• 求职面试 怎样克服面试紧张

    Always remember you're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. ----Winnie the Pooh 永远铭记:你比你认为的更勇敢,比你看起来更坚强,比你想象的更聪明。 ----小熊维尼 Try to th...

  • 反客为主:是时候向面试官提问了

    Faced with one pointed question after the next regarding your career, a job interview can quickly take on the feel of an interrogation. 面对着接二连三有关于你个人职业生涯的问题,你会很快就觉得一场面试就像是一场审讯...

  • 发微博也能找工作:怎样经营好你的“140字简历

    So you use Twitter to retweet cool articles and follow your favorite celebrities. But if you're someone on the job hunt, have you used it to fill out your #Twesume yet? Let us explain. 你或许会用微博转发一些有意思的文章,或是关注你...

  • 你的简历合格吗?不该出现在简历里的9种信息

    One of the most important things to have when you're job hunting is a killer rsum. After all, if your CV doesn't pass muster, you won't even get a chance to meet face-to-face and let potential employers know why you're the right person for the job. H...

  • 记住这20条,英语写作上一档!

    1. Allow adequate time to plan, write, rewrite, and edit your document. 1. 保留充足的时间起草,写作,重写以及编辑你的文章。 2. Know your topic thoroughly. 2. 对写作话题要有的充分理解。 3. Identify your specific pu...

  • 面试问题应该这么答

    Panel interviews pose unique challenges for applicants. When you interview with a single person, you essentially have a conversation with someone who might offer you a job. In panel interviews, the situation is a hybrid of a conversation and public s...

  • CV和Resume什么区别?

    Question: Curriculum Vitae vs. Resume? What is the difference between a curriculum vitae (CV) and a resume? 问:CV和resume?两者之间有什么区别? Answer: The primary differences between a resumeand a curriculum vitae (CV) are the length,...

  • 简历也要“瘦身” :一招让简历简洁有力

    How long should your rsum be? Its a long-standing debate among recruiters, but there is one thing they agree on: it needs to be relevant. This is true whether you're just out of school or have worked for 20 years, and it means your rsum needs to be c...

  • 面试不忘问这三个问题

    Getting an interview for that dream job is a perfect chance to sell yourself and you need to make sure that you get everything right. 得到一份理想工作的面试机会也将是一个推销你自己的绝佳时机,当然你也需要确保一些都...

  • 面试前可能会犯的7个错误

    What you do before the interview can pay off enormously or end up hurting you. 面试前做什么能让你取得巨大成功或者最终伤害你。 Getting a job interview can feel like a great accomplishment in this job market and it is. But dont s...

  • 英语听力要如何练习


  • 赏月名诗英译:海上生明月,天涯共此时

    明月几时有? 把酒问青天。 不知天上宫阙, 今夕是何年? 我欲乘风归去, 又恐琼楼玉宇, 高处不胜寒。 起舞弄清影, 何似在人间。 How long will the full moon appear? Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky. I...

  • 当心!15个单词可能毁掉你的外企英文面试

    Receiving an invitation for a job interview can be an exciting time especially after youve been job-searching for a while. 收到面试邀请令人激动尤其是在你花了不少时间找工作的时候。 Unfortunately, its all too easy to kill of...

  • 简历指南:12个要点让你的简历更出色

    Writing a rsum can be a daunting task. It has a style unlike virtually any other document you are likely to write. Consequently, many people rely on either preconceived ideas or stock templates when setting down their credentials for a new position,...

  • 面试官心声:成功求职者必备的6大素质

    Alex Malley FCPA is the chief executive of CPA Australia and the host of the Nine Network television series The Bottom Line. Alex is also a regular contributor to The Huffington Post . Alex Malley FCPA是澳大利亚CPA公司主管,NIne Network电视...

  • 15句最差简历用语VS15句最棒简历用语

    I'm a real go-getter who always thinks outside the box, demonstrates thought leadership, and proactively motivates myself! If this sentence made you cringe, you're not alone. These phrases come from the new CareerBuilder survey on the best and worst...

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