• 新概念英语第三册单词表

    新概念英语第三册单词表 $第1课$第1课 puman.美洲狮 spotv.看出,发现 evidencen.证据 accumulatev.积累,积聚 obligev.使感到必须 huntn.追猎;寻找;v.打猎 blackberryn.黑莓 human人类 cornerv.使走投无路,使陷...

  • 背英语单词的科学方法

    正常的记忆单词顺序应该是这样: 1) 开始阅读一篇文章; 2) 随手把遇到的生词、词组从词典里查出相应的释义并记录下来; 3) 遇到没有生词却依然读不懂的句子,那就去查查语法书以及其它...

  • 学英语要不得的5个坏习惯

    第一,过分讲究方法和技巧,而不愿意下真功夫。 语言的运用是一种技能,但这种技能不是专靠技巧能够获得的。太讲究方法和技巧会被其占用很多的时间和精力,而对学习的内容本身投入较...

  • 新概念英语第一册单词表

    新概念英语第一册单词表 一、 1、excuse(原谅) 2、me(我) 3、yes(是的) 4、is(动词现在时) 5、this(这) 6、your(你的,你们的)7、handbag(女用手提包) 8、pardon(原谅,请在说一遍) 9、it(它)10、thank...

  • 面试问题回答技巧:我们为什么要聘请你?

    When an employer asks you, Why should we hire you? she is really asking, What makes you the best fit for this position? Your answer to this question should be a concise sales pitch that explains what you have to offer the employer. 当面试官问你:...

  • 面试问题回答技巧:你想从工作中获得什么?

    What are you looking to gain from your next job? 你想从下一份工作中获得什么? Answer Tips 问题回答小贴士 In this question, they want to know what motivates you. Be careful not to let the panel think the only reason you want the j...

  • 面试问题回答技巧:工资和工作哪个重要?

    What is more important to you: the money or the work? 对你而言,工资和工作哪个更重要? Money is always important, but the work you perform is the most important. Every employee who has quit a job in frustration knows the importance of...

  • 如何在三个月内学会一门外语?

    Benny Lewis speaks six languages fluently. 本尼刘易斯能流利地说六种语言。 French and Spanish, English, German, and Brazilian Portuguese... he ticks them off for me. And Esperanto. 他向我列举了这六种语言:法语、西班牙语...

  • 面试大闯关4 如何介绍上一份工作

    1. Would you briefly describe this company to me? 介绍一下你的原单位, 好吗? 问题分析: 当老外提出这个问题的时候, 他心里的疑问是: 这个公司我从来没有听说过, 是否是个名不见经传的小公司?...

  • 新简历 新气象 5招更新简历

    If youre still following job-search advice from a decade or more ago, chances are good that youre inadvertently sabotaging your own chances of getting hired. And if you think youre too young to fall into that trap, think again: Its not just workers w...

  • 面试中如何回答“你是否愿意加班”

    Are you willing to work overtime? This depends on you; you can answer as you wish. However, if it is difficult to find job or this is a good job, you should consider working overtime willingly. 你愿意加班吗?这要看你怎么回答了,你可以...

  • 面试读心术:面试官不喜欢的六个回答

    Setting yourself apart from the crowd is vital when you are looking for that new job. This applies for all stages of the recruitment process - you want to ensure that your CV is at the top of a recruiter or hiring managers pile, and that your intervi...

  • 面试三句话必胜法则:马上有工作

    To galvanize your job search and lead you to your new dream job, your communications with any prospective employer whether via phone, email or during a job interview must incorporate these three messages: 为了让你找工作少走弯路并最终找到...

  • 面试中绝对不能提的问题

    You know enough to bring a list of questions to a job interview. When the interviewer asks you, So, do you have any questions for me? The last thing you want to say is No. But that could be the best option if you're at a loss for words, because some...

  • 英语进阶达人 听力四阶段学习

    (1)入门阶段: 这个阶段适合初学者。在学完字母及一些简单句型和后即可开始。一般可以进行三个练习: 1)句型练习:做这项练习时,可以把句型、及语法三项结合起来。不少国内外出版的...

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