• 成人高考高起点英语虚拟语气误用辨析

    1.中文:我要是你,我不会那么做。 (误)I shouldnt do that if I was you. (正)I shouldnt do that if I were you.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气不能用was,只能用were.) 2.中文:要是我父亲现在在这里,他会告诉...

  • 成考高起点英语时态误用辨析

    1.中文:他在许多年前去过欧洲。 (误)He had been to Europe many years ago. (正)He went to Europe many years ago.(在上下文没有同过去某时或某个动作相比较而表示过去的意思,不可用过去完成时,而要用一般...

  • 成考高起点英语介词误用辨析

    1.中文:琼斯先生住在皇后街十号。 (误)Mr. Jones lives on 10 Queen Street. (正)Mr. Jones lives at 10 Queen Street.(at+门牌号,on+街道名称;两者同时出现以门牌号码为准。) 2.中文:他喜欢在太阳下坐着。 (误...

  • 成考高起点英语主谓一致误用辨析

    1.中文:桌上有几本小说。 (误)There is some novels on the table. (正)There are some novels on the table.(主语some novels是复数,谓语动词要用复数。) 2.中文:他的裤子是新的。 (误)His trousers is new. (正)His trou...

  • 成考高起点英语冠词误用辨析

    1.中文:她在弹钢琴。 (误)She was playing piano. (正)She was playing the piano.(演奏乐器,如piano,violin,乐器前面要加定冠词the.) 2.中文:孩子们每天早上去上学。 (误)The children go to the school every mornin...

  • 成考高起点英语动名词误用辨析

    1.中文:我把给她打过电话的事全忘了。 (误)I forgot all about to telephone her. (正)I forgot all about telephoning her.(介词后不能接不定式,只能接动名词。) 2.中文:你介意我在这里吸烟吗? (误)Would you mi...

  • 成考高起点英语不定式误用辨析

    1.中文:为了准时,我们加快了步伐。 (误)So as to be in time we hurried. (正)In order to be in time we hurried.(so as to只可放在句中,in order to可放在句首或句中。) 2.中文:你说这些话真傻。 (误)Its very foo...

  • 成考高起点英语虚拟语气误用辨析

    1.中文:我要是你,我不会那么做。 (误)I shouldnt do that if I was you. (正)I shouldnt do that if I were you.(表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气不能用was,只能用were.) 2.中文:要是我父亲现在在这里,他会告诉...

  • 成考高起点英语代词误用辨析

    1.中文:伦敦的夏天比我家乡的夏天更热。 (误)London is much hotter in summer than my hometown. (正)It is much hotter in London in summer than in my hometown.(用it代表气候,天气等。) 2.中文:他的书跟我的很不一样。...

  • 成考高起点英语形容词误用辨析

    1.中文:他是两者中较高的。 (误)He is taller of the two. (正)He is the taller of the two.(比较级+of the two,前面要加the.) 2.中文:汤姆是我们学校里最年轻的。 (误)Tom is youngest in our school. (正)Tom is the you...

  • 成考高起点英语名词误用辨析

    1.中文:我买了两条裤子。 (误)I bought two trousers. (正)I bought two pairs of trousers.(glasses,shoes,trousers,spectacles,scissors,stockings等表示由两个部分合成的字习惯用复数,在表示一(两)条,把,双时...

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