• 高频英语习语

    Those of us who grew up with English as our first language have been exposed to idioms and idiomatic expressions for most of our lives. They may have confused us a little when we were children, but explanation and constant exposure not only increased...

  • 过四六级很简单,考研英语也不难,只是你的方


  • 我们为什么要学英语?


  • 英语语法顺口溜

    be 的用法口诀 我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are. 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 时间...

  • 考研复试英语自我介绍两模板


  • 各种好用的英语单词记忆法介绍

    一、合成记忆法 有些汉字,比如明解等属于合成字。日即太阳,是白天光明的来源;月即月亮,是黑夜光明的来源;所以明就日和月两个字合成而来。 古时候人们宰牛是将刀放在牛的角后开始...

  • 怎样才能准确听出英语中的数字


  • 英语好是一种怎样的体验?

    英语是这个年代要掌握的本领,英语好会怎么样,怎么样才英语好,请看来自「知乎」简安 的这个回答: 体会为三点。 1、在所有的电话会议当中,不会有人认为我是外国人。工作碰面,看到...

  • 超强技术贴:看美剧学英语的方法


  • 10位英语语言大师的英语学习建议

    1、林语堂(现代著名学者、文学家、语言学家) 英语学习观:凡不以口语为基础的人,一定写不出平易自然,纯熟地道的英文。 近年国内学英语风气甚盛,无论在中学,在大学,或在自修,...

  • 不利于面试结果的5种情况

    What are the things that drive interviewers the most crazy? Listen and learn. 到底是哪5种情况让面试官最抓狂呢,看一下吧。 1.You arrive super early 1. 来得太早了。 Everybody knows that you're an idiot if you show up late for...

  • 什么是个人鉴定?

    If you use one, a summary statement is be listed at the top of your resume under your name and contact information. If you include a summary statement, it includes a brief list of the highlights of your candidacy. 如果你在制作简历的时候需要...

  • 新气象 5招更新简历

    If youre still following job-search advice from a decade or more ago, chances are good that youre inadvertently sabotaging your own chances of getting hired. And if you think youre too young to fall into that trap, think again: Its not just workers w...

  • 说说学习英语的“捷径”

    Improve your Pronunciation 改善发音方式 Choose a paragraph and read aloud. 选择一个段落并大声朗读。 Choose a paragraph and mark each sentence with a sound script (helpful pronunciation markup). This will help you read more naturally...

  • 简历也要“瘦身” :一招让你的简历简洁有力

    How long should your rsum be? Its a long-standing debate among recruiters, but there is one thing they agree on: it needs to be relevant. This is true whether you're just out of school or have worked for 20 years, and it means your rsum needs to be c...

  • 有效的Presentation如何炼成?

    Above all, know your audience and match what you say to their needs. Creating your presentation with your audience in mind, it will assure that your audience will follow you. If your presentation doesn't appeal to your audience - no matter how well y...

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