• 听诗歌学英语:拜伦经典之作《恨别》

    拜伦经典诗歌《When we two parted》(恨别),完美英音flash见。 This poem talks about a love affair that Lord Byron had with a married woman some years before he got married. They loved each other very much, but they knew their love...

  • 英语面试 7个小贴士为你解读备考策略

    Tips from Candidate No.1 (Predicting Questions预测面试问题) You can start by collecting all of the material that is likely to be covered during your exam period. Read over the information to recognize any possible themes or patterns. If you...

  • 将英语提高到新的高度-最有效的阅读写作方法

    Why are reading and writing in English so difficult for foreign language learners? The English language originates from dozens of languages such as Latin, French, German, and Greek. The diversity of English words and variations of nuances and sentenc...

  • 面试中如何回答“你善于团队合作吗”


  • 英文诗欣赏:花之歌

    I am a kind word uttered and repeated By the voice of Nature; I am a star fallen from the Blue tent upon the green carpet. I am the daughter of the elements With whom Winter conceived; To whom Spring gave birth; I was Reared in the lap of Summer and...

  • 英语诗歌赏析:和平之诗

    Guns, bombs, mines and tortures Form its massive sound But, within its power, within its might And within its fearful threats Peace is not to be found If we kill people, with whom will we live? The enemy is not a person; it lies within each of us Per...

  • 面试问题回答技巧:你的同事如何评价你?

    How would your friends or coworkers describe you? 你的朋友和同事都是如何评价你的呢? Sample 1. 实例1. Be prepared with a quote or two from co-workers. Either a specific statement or a paraphrase will work. Jill Clark, a co-worker a...

  • 英文面试中巧答“婚姻状况”

    关于婚姻状况的回答 We have been married for ten years. 我们结婚已经10年了。 My husband died three years ago. 我的丈夫在3年前去世了。 I am unmarried. 我没有结婚。 We got married not long ago. 我们刚结婚不久。...

  • 面试问题回答技巧:你对我们公司有什么了解?

    What do you know about our organization? 问:你对我们公司有哪些了解? 1. Answer structure 1. 回答结构 Give 2 3 pieces of information you know about the company, which are appeal to customers and candidates. 说出2到3条你对这个公...

  • 修改简历必学:让你的简历不再石沉大海

    If youre sending out rsums and not getting many calls to interview, theres a good chance that your rsum is the problem. If youre like most people, your rsum could use some work and like most people, youre probably not sure where to start. 如果投了简...

  • 面试反客为主:就这样问倒面试官

    Faced with one pointed question after the next regarding your career, a job interview can quickly take on the feel of an interrogation. 面对着接二连三有关于你个人职业生涯的问题,你会很快就觉得一场面试就像是一场审讯...

  • 元宵节经典诗词英译赏析


  • 名师推荐的暑期英语学习完美计划

    A 计划:一本英文小说 假期中坚持看完一本英文小说。当然一定要根据自己的水平挑选合适的书刊。比如基础稍差的同学就去书店挑选一本自己感兴趣的有中文对照版本的英文小说,而英文好...

  • 3分钟的英语演讲稿三篇(带翻译)

    第一篇:My Chinese Dream 我的中国梦 I am very glad to stand here to give thier a short speech.Today my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland 很高兴站在这里做这篇短小的演讲,我演讲的主题是青年是祖国的未...

  • 孩子不喜欢学习英语怎么办呢?

    学生不愿意学英语 现在才初一,我家孩子竟然就厌学了!平时见他还写写数学作业,有时候也拿着语文课本背背书,但是我从不见我家孩子主动翻过英语书。唉,难道英语就这么难学吗?在汇...

  • 英语短文听力:预读技巧

    之前听过不少同学抱怨,短对话正确率挺高,一到长对话和短文,貌似能听懂,但只放1遍,往往就在走神中度过了,那怎么办? 本喵给你放大招! 应对走神的关键招:预读选项,品味选项的...

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