• 双语散文:让过去过去 让未来到来

    Regret can be a terrible addiction. Those who suffer from it so often become bitter and full of self-pity. 后悔是一件很可怕的东西, 它会让人上瘾. 那些经常感到后悔的人会变得更加悲天悯人, 自顾自怜. It is an emotio...

  • 双语散文:旧鞋子也有温暖

    人常常会陷于幽暗的人生胡同不能自拔. People often drop into a gloomy life and are unable to extricate themselves. 有个生活比较潦倒的销售员,每天都埋怨自己"怀才不遇,命运在捉弄他". There once was...

  • 听懂新闻英语的十大方法

    (一)尽量先以自己熟悉的语言了解内容 刚到ICRT 国内中心上班的外籍记者,虽然多半中文程度并不差,但是有时候中文并不强,在或一些中文的稿时,虽然可以查单字,但要完全了解整体的...

  • 双语散文:生活是奇迹,不要让它溜走

    Life is a miracle, don't let it slip away, Open your heart to others; give of yourself each day. 生活就是一个奇迹,不要让它溜走, 向别人打开你的心扉,奉献自己每一天。 See the beauty in everyone regardless of where th...

  • 双语散文:今年我已经十一岁了

    What they don’t understand about birthdays and what they never tell you is that when you’re eleven, you’re also ten, and nine, and eight, and seven, and six, and five, and fours, and threee, and two, and one. And when you wake up on your leeven...

  • 拜伦经典诗歌:在巴比伦的河边我们坐下来哭泣

    By the Rivers of Babylon We Sat Down and Wept 在巴比伦的河边我们坐下来哭泣 We sat down and wept by the waters Of Babel, and thought of the day When our foe, in the hue of his slaughters, Made Salem's high places his prey; And ye, oh her...

  • 轻松拼词法背单词之二:开发右脑


  • 轻松拼词法背单词之一:背单词的困惑

    中国学生是如何背的 一般来说,中国人背有这样几种方法: a. 协同法。这是中国学生背使用最多的方法,也就是人们常说的“五到”记忆法:眼里看到,心里想到,手里写到,嘴里念到,耳朵...

  • 求职信的10个注意事项

    Your cover letter is the first thing employers see when they open your materials. Avoid these 10 mistakes, and make your first impression a good and lasting one. 求职信是雇主打开资料首先看到的东西。避免这10项错误,给你的雇主...

  • 趣味英文诗歌:One Inch Tall

    One Inch Tall If you were only one inch tall , you'd ride a worm to school. The teardrop of a crying and would be your swimming pool. A crumb of cake would be a feast And last you seven days at least , A flea would be a frightening beast If you were...

  • 美国第11任总统波尔克的就职演讲

    Without solicitation on my part, I have been chosen by the free and voluntary suffrages of my countrymen to the most honorable, and most responsible office on earth. 我没有乞求选票,但自由的同胞们却选举我,来担任这世界上最具...

  • 双语诗歌:陪你多一天One More Day

    One More Day Last night I had a crazy dream A wish was granted just for me It could be for anything I didn‘t ask for money Or a mansion in Malibu I simply wished, for one more day with you One more day One more time One more sunset, Baby, I‘...

  • 无尽的时间 Time After Time

    Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick, And think of you Caught up in circles confusion Is nothing new Flashback warm nights Almost left behind Suitcases of memories, Time after time Sometimes you picture me I'm walking too far ahead You're calling to...

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