• 雅思阅读--做题顺序要调整


  • 专家谈托福听力必胜法宝


  • 托福听力笔记(生活场景)

    1、找房 -抱怨:dormitory①太小太脏②太吵③管的太严;apartment①东西老坏②室友难处neat, considerate. -找房难,不愿搬,抱怨多,怕涨价,减装修 -房东landlord,租户tenant 2、噪音 -室内:调...

  • TOEFL学习资料听力06

    Part 1 1. (A) He doesnt have enough money to buy a printer now. (B) Hes not sure how much a printer costs. (C) Hell buy a computer later this week. (D) He lost the money he was saving. 2. (A) Wait to play until after his 9 Oclock class. (B) Ask Carol...

  • 一个月搞定托福听力


  • 托福听力笔记(特色场景)

    特色场景-女尊男卑 1、男生宿舍总是脏(女生脏,因为学习) mess, a real dump/mess, messed up, messy,乱七八槽at sixs and sevens, chas, chaotic I havent done much cleaning recently. My room is like a tornado hit it. 吸尘器...

  • TOEFL学习资料听力05

    1. (A) Discuss the situation with the person in charge of the dormitory. (B) Ask her roommate not to make so much noise. (C) Go to bed after midnight. (D) Send a letter to the residents. 2. (A) Now he understands the system. (B) He has no use for tec...

  • 托福听力笔记(学习场景)

    1、论文 -题目难定(太大)too broad a topic -资料难查(太多)too much material to cover -多找教授(时间) -打字困难(机房)机少人多,想买机 2、笔记 -考笔记be based on the lecture/notes -字难...

  • 备考托福听力精要分析

    首先,最重要的一点是每一个同学都应该找到最适合自己的解题方法。根据指令的解题方法(即Part A, Part B, Part C之前的Directions所告诉考生的做题方法),那就是先听磁带,再读选项,最后选答案...

  • 入门级别:刚复习托福听力的小方法


  • TOEFL学习资料听力07

    PART 1 8. (A) He likes the womans idea. (B) He can meet the woman in the afternoon. (C) He will discuss the idea tomorrow. (D) The next issue of the paper is already planned. 9. (A) Hell have to pay a fine. (B) Hes taking good care of the book. (C) H...

  • 托福听力复习小方法


  • 托福听力笔记(习语总结)

    lose his cool失去冷静 cool off 冷静,天气变冷 play it cool 冷静 不介意:not at all, not a bit/little, not in the slightest, not in the least -不愿让人做某事:make sb uncomfortable to do sth -对人宽容go easy on sb. Be leni...

  • 托福听力考试特色分析


  • 托福听力谈备考听力经验


  • 托福听力笔记(听力句型总结)

    -asas as cool as a cucumber, as fit as fiddle, as healthy as horse, as poor as a church mouse, as strong as an ox, as like as two peas(长得象),peas and carrots(形影不离),apples and oranges(大不相同),as proud as peacock, as changeable...

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