• 托福听力词汇替换秘辑

    (A) be just the formality ---- (B) be not essential (A) be on the way (B) ---- pass by (A) (A) be worse ---- prefer (B) to (A) (A) cast on sth. to (B) ---- (B) get sth. from (A) (A) get sth. done ---- someone do for (A) (A) is far more important ----...

  • Toefl听力小字与短语用法(1)

    as good as a time any act up administration building and how! anything but around here somewhere attendance required back and forth back up be about to be beind in be better off be clustered with be done with be fininish with be good with be off to=g...

  • 托福听力考试突破短对话要点

    关于场景和地点 1,in the postoffice send sth to someplace send sth by someway package mailstamp envelop ailmailexpressmail regestered mail weigh(秤重) overweight first class second class2,in the restaurant waiter/waitress servesgroupsnapkin(餐...

  • 托福听力十大必背段子2

    4. 991040 生活段子:噪音影响 Im grad to see so many of you here. Weve become really alarmed over the health center by the number of students we are seeing, who are experiencing hearing loss. First, I want to go over some basic about hearing....

  • 托福听力十大必背段子3

    6. 990848 文科段子:历史发展 Last time, we outlined how the Civil War finally got started. I want to talk today about the political management of the war on both sides: the north under Abraham Lincoln and the south under Jefferson Davis. An...

  • 托福听力十大必背段子4

    9. 970539 生活段子:游览沼泽地公园 Welcome to Everglades National Park. The Everglade is a watery plain covered with saw grass thats the home to numerous species of plants and wild life. And one and half million acre is too big to see it...

  • 托福听力考试复习小秘籍


  • 实战经验--攻克托福听力的唯一途径

    大家好,相信很多同学都考过了托福,而托福中最难得也就是听力了,很多同学问我是如何攻克托福听力几乎满分的?在这里我特地加以说明,其实也就是我的一些个人经验而已。 一,千万记...

  • 超级实用:新托福听力文化背景资料汇总2


  • 托福听力:根据单词判断场景

    场景方法的思路是:听力水平差的考生听不懂磁带的内容仅能听清个别的单词,则可以根据这些单词判断出磁带上对话或段子发生的实际生活场景,再根据这一生活场景做题。 场景方法可行的原...

  • 适合中国学生复习听力偏方


  • 托福听力对话的内容和场景预览

    Part A:两个人的短对话(一男一女)(共30个对话)对象:两个同学之间,两个朋友之间,老师与,与,商店的售货员与之间。 内容:日常生活中的事,某科目或的内容。 Part B:两个人的长对话(一...

  • 托福听力训练之经典方法-下


  • TOEFL考试听力习惯用语补充小总结

    下面是一个朋友对听力习语的补充总结,结合听力笔记,应该有些效果。 电影 aisle seat--过道旁的座位 go to the movies/go to a movie(冠词不可少) row--排 音乐 receive a standing ovation 成语 like peas and car...

  • 托福听力十大必背段子1

    1. 000139 文科段子:艺术类音乐 It may seem strange that were discussing music from a Broadway production in this class, The Lion King especially, since its based on a popular Hollywood movie. I mean music preformed for Broadway theater in t...

  • 总结托福听力的若干问题(2)

    当然窍门总还是有点的 比如 PART B PART C中 尤其是PARTC掌握了出题的位置和特征词后真的很容易。 这些别人也都说过了的 开始听介绍,知道这个独白的背景 接下来听他独白的主要内容 有涉及到...

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