
外语培训 2019-12-13 10:32www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  lose his cool失去冷静

  cool off 冷静,天气变冷

  play it cool 冷静

  不介意:not at all, not a bit/little, not in the slightest, not in the least

  -不愿让人做某事:make sb uncomfortable to do sth

  -对人宽容go easy on sb. Be lenient with. Be kind to

  -挤时间做某事:get around to do sth, take time out/off from doing sth, spare time to do sth, afford time to do sth, squeeze/steal time to do

  -健忘slip one's mind/memory. Have a shot memory, not good with.. be terrible with.. forgetful, absent-minded, scatter-brain, go in one ear and out the other. Wops.

  -快,马上:in no time, by and by, on short notice, right now/away/off, in a moment/minute/second

  -去哪里,朝哪里去head to/for sw, make for, leave for, set out for, be off to, be away to

  -生气:be put out with sb, be burned up at sb, get one's back up, hit/raise the roof/ceiling, be enraged, get on one's nerve, rub sb the wrong way, annoy/irritate sb.

  -顺便看望:drop/stop/come by/over/in

  -太忙heavy/busy/tight schedule

  -太热super/burning/blazing/unbearable/scorcher hot

  -听某人的建议:go by/follow/listen to one's suggestion

  -一点也不奇怪:no wonder. Little surprise.

  -有时,偶而:occasionally, sometimes, every so often, every now and them, every once in a while, at times, from time to time, on and off.


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