
外语培训 2019-12-13 10:33www.facebook-novi.com外语学习



  mess, a real dump/mess, messed up, messy,乱七八槽at sixs and sevens, chas, chaotic

  I haven't done much cleaning recently. My room is like a tornado hit it.

  吸尘器vacuum/rag cleaner


  have money to burn, burn the candle at both ends, spend money like water

  花完go through = use up

  破产I was broke, I never seem to have enough money.

  save for rainy days.存钱以备不时之需


  -内向keep sth to oneself, not sociable, feel embarrassed, self-conscious



  -presentation stand/sit

  -宣布谁得奖学金 restless quietly

  坐立不安 too excited to be still ,be on edge, on pins and nedles, like a cat on hot bricks, pace the floor(来回踱步)


  睡过头oversleep, be late for class, miss the class

  失眠insomnia/wake up,辗转反侧toss and turn, twist, 安眠药sleeping pills

  Never hand in the paper on time. Extension, extra time, be behind in(落? ),be backed up(堆积作业),临考抱佛脚crem for the exam

  补考fail the exam, make up the exam.

  6、女生Mystery, 爱学习

  make no sense to me. Sth I'll never figure out. Over my head. Beyond me/y understanding.

  How she manage to do it is a mystery to me. 答案中:wonder, surprised

  拉都拉不走tear sb away from the books


  故意mean to do,记恨 hold the grudge, forgive, forgiving, tolerant,忘掉 get over it

  broad-minded, open heart, a heart of gold. Think much/little of sb. Look up to /down upon sb



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