• 托福词汇之“默克尔时代Merkel era”

    At the beginning of this year, Angela Merkelhad a good claim to be the most successful politician in the world. The German chancellor had won three successive election victories. She was the dominant political figure in Europe and hugely popular at h...

  • 托福词汇之灰发离婚变革

    America is in the throes of a grey divorce revolution as married couples over the age of 50 split up in unprecedented numbers. 随着50岁以上夫妻分道扬镳的数量空前增多,美国正处于灰发离婚变革的阵痛中。网,信息 Altho...

  • 托福词汇之“清洁饮食”

    A diet of clean eating refers to one which avoids processed foods and is heavy in raw and unrefined produce. 清洁饮食指一个人不吃加工精制食品,大量摄入未加工的农产品。网,信息 Today, clean eating, or eating clean, is a...

  • 托福词汇之“自我纵许self-licensing”

    Self-licensing is the unconscious tendency to allow yourself to do something bad after you have done something good. 自我纵许指做了一些好事之后会无意识地允许自己做点不好的事。,护士节,, Imagining yourself as doing good...

  • The James Bond Effect

    The James Bond Effect (also called 007 Effect) is a theory in propaganda and political circles, whereby the first detailed opinion/summary that someone hears or reads on a particular topic, is the one they are most likely to adopt.,护士节,, 詹姆斯...

  • 托福词汇之“数据驱动data-driven”

    With more and more data piling up every day on seemingly all aspects of our lives, a lot more than just business decisions are becoming data-driven, which refers to something determined or dependent on the collection or analysis of data.,护士节,, 每...

  • 税前扣除怎么说?

    公益捐赠税前扣除 近日,国务院印发《关于促进慈善事业发展的指导意见》,意见指出,落实企业和个人公益性捐赠所得税税前扣除政策。这是新中国成立以来,第一个以中央政府名义出台的...

  • 森林旅游forest tourism词汇


  • 托福词汇汇总之外貌描述篇

    从外貌到性格,从特征到风格,掌握以下词汇你也能用英语准确描绘出一个人哦。 护士国工作学习,护士国工作学习问题汇总 Physical Appearance 外貌 ►Hair 头发 Straight 直(发) Curly 卷(发) Cropped 短...

  • 托福写作中的那些高分副词


  • 2015年12月5日托福考试写作真题

    Independent Writing: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Government, instead of individuals, should cover Internet fees. Despite the huge impact of the Internet, as a convenient tool for educational, vocational and recreational pur...

  • 2015年12月5日托福考试口语真题

    Task 1 Which one of the following jobs deserves a higher salary? Teacher, policeman or nurse? Task 2 Should students be required to do volunteer work? Task 3 The university is planning to move the theater off-campus due to two reasons. The first reas...

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