
外语培训 2020-02-03 09:44www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  Self-licensing is the unconscious tendency to allow yourself to do something bad after you have done something good.

  Imagining yourself as “doing good” can sometimes lead to bad things. You eat more at Thanksgiving because you went to the gym in the morning. The “good” action somehow licenses the “bad” action, because you have a self-image as a healthy person.
  It's what many diet experts say may be behind why so many of us fall off the diet rails on our “cheat days.”
  Washington Post staff writer Michael Rosenwald described the following everyday examples of self-licensing behavior:“We drink Diet Coke – with Quarter Pounders and fries at McDonald's. We go to the gym – and ride the elevator to the second floor. We install tankless water heaters – then take longer showers. We drive SUVs to see Al Gore's speeches on global warming.”

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