• Million dollar baby《百万美元宝贝》精讲之二

    影片对白 Priest: Bye. Woman: Goodbye. Frankie Dunn: Hey, Father, that was a great sermon. Made me weep. Priest: What's confusing you this week? Frankie Dunn: Oh, it's the same old one God, three God thing. Priest: Frankie, most people figure out...

  • Million dollar baby《百万美元宝贝》精讲之一

    影片对白 Crowd: You got him! You got him! Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): Only ever met one man I wouldn't want to fight. Man: I can't stop that. Frankie Dunn: Here. Get out of here, you useless tit. Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): Wh...

  • The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之六

    影片对白 CLARISSE: I've been thinking about it a great deal and the truth is I think you'd make a very fine princess. You know, people think princesses are supposed to wear tiaras, marry the prince, always look pretty and live happily ever after...

  • The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之五

    影片对白 SUKI: It was just last night that San Francisco's own little princess partied at the beach but what started out as innocent fun soon turned into allegedly too much fun. This is Suki Sanchez for KPFW. MIA: Please say something. CLARISSE:...

  • The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之四

    影片对白 GUPTA: The phone's ringing off the hook . MIA: What?! Oh! O'CONNELL: Mia, your mother's on her way. GUPTA: Gupta. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. The queen is coming to Grove High School. SUKI: A limo with flags! MALE REPORTER: A Genovian limous...

  • The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之三

    影片对白 MICHAEL: Lilly, the car's here! LILLY: I’m coming! MICHAEL: Thanks for the ride. Thank you. MIA: Hey. What? LILLY: Michael, don't always think you can get a ride with us so- Oy . Who destroyed you? MIA: Oh. You, you think it looks that...

  • The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之二

    影片对白 CHARLOTTE: Miss Amelia, welcome. MIA: Hi. CHARLOTTE: Straight ahead to your left . Her Majesty is ready for you in the library. CLARISSE: Charlotte, take notes, will you? Amelia, circle slowly so I can evaluate the work to be done. Ameli...

  • The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之一

    影片对白 SPEAKER: School tours are on Saturday, young lady. MIA: I'm here for a meeting with my grandmother. SPEAKER: Name? MIA: Clarisse Renaldi. SPEAKER: Oh. Please come to the front door. MIA: Thank you very much. VOICE: Get off the grass! [Me...

  • 出糗:在国外吃牛排的搞笑经历

    我有一网友,外号2闷,去年到加拿大开始为期一年的留学生活。初来乍到,闹了不少笑话: 某天想去吃个西餐腐败一下,于是来到某家餐厅,一本正经的看看菜单点了份牛排,然后就有这样的...

  • 商务交际英语口语亮点集锦

    久仰! Iveheardsomuchaboutyou. 好久不见了! Longtimenosee. 辛苦了! Youvehadalongday.Youvehadalongflight. 尊敬的朋友们! Distinguished/Honorable/Respectedfriends 阁下(多用于称呼大使) YourExcellency 我代表北京市政府欢...

  • 外国人嘴边的短句精选

    Thousandtimesno!绝对办不到 Don’tmentionit.没关系,别客气。 Whoknows!天晓得 Itisnotabigdeal!没什么了不起 Howcome。..怎么回事,怎么搞得 Easydoesit.慢慢来 Don’tpushme.别逼我 Comeon!快点,振作起来 Haveagoo...

  • 去卫生间的多种英语口语表达

    直接说“我要上厕所”似乎也没什么,但总让人觉得有点不够雅观,尤其是对女生来说。 在中文里,我们有不少这方面的委婉说法,比如“出恭”,“方便”,“去洗手间”等等,同样在美语...

  • 谈谈听歌学英语的好与坏

    很多老师喜欢在课上播放流行的英文歌曲,许多专业课也设置有听英文歌曲的环节,而听歌学真的有效吗? 听歌学有两大不足: 1 学不到对话和写作用语; 2 学不到日常交流时的语气和节奏。...

  • 含糊其辞 英语中表达不准确的词

    很多时候,我们需要给别人一个回答,但是我们自己也不太确定。所以就要用到一些表示模糊的话(Vague Expressions),让人家了解一个大概的情况。下面是一些比较常用的表达: There are about...

  • 地道美语口语常用短句

    comeon.不要这个样子啦! 原句:Don’tbelikethat. It’sallGreektome.我全不懂。 原句:Idon’tunderstand. I’vehadit.糟了(吃饱了)。 原句:I’vehadenough. I’mhardup.我经济很困难。 原句:Idon’thavemoney. H...

  • 余光中散文《尺素寸心》节选

    An Excerpt from Limited Words vs. Boundless Friendship By Yu Guangzhong Replying a letter does make me flinch; however, unreplied letters allow me no release at all. Dozens of unreplied letters pile up on my bookshelf, like a sum of debt waiting to b...

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