• 听力加试题:写关于“鸟的迁徙”的报告

    男找黑人女教授。开始的目的是拿笔记。 男生: 我找不到足够的 resource 来写我的关于古代鸟类迁徙 bird migration 的 term paper。 女教授: 材料还是挺容易找的。不应该找不到啊。(有题:问教授...

  • 新托福听力完全突破六方面


  • 最新出炉的英文版IBT听力讲义(八)

    11. Scene XI: interest and extracurricular activity activities vote lost weight sporting Example 1: Sundays Run 1. What is the main topic of the conversation? A Running and its danger. B Pregnancy and weight. C Marathon for charity. D How to collect...

  • 最新出炉的英文版IBT听力讲义(十一)

    Skill II Connecting Information 5. Type V: Organization Question What is organization question: in understanding organization questions you may be asked about the of the listening passage, or you may be asked about the of the listening passage. How t...

  • 托福听力Lecture完美解决方案

    托福听力Lecture往往长篇大论,很多同学未听心已抖,其实Lecture并没有大家想象的那么难,重要是掌握这类提醒的出题规律,这样。心中有数,自然做题有方啦。 经典重要出题点: 1 开头 对应...

  • 最新出炉的英文版IBT听力讲义(十)

    Skill II Pragmatic Understanding (listen again) 3. Type III: Function Question What is function question: the question type often involves How to recognize this question: What can be inferred from the professors response to the student? What is the p...

  • 最新出炉的英文版IBT听力讲义(十二)

    Part VII . Practice PASSAGE 1 1. What is the professor mainly discussing? A. Insects that feed on plants B. Animals that feed on insects C. Plants that use insects to survive D. Insects that are attractive to plants 2. Why is the professor discussing...

  • 托福独立写作范文:教育

    People are now easier to become educated than in the past. Education has long been regarded as a life-long process. It has been argued that in modern times education has become much more accessible than ever. I agree. Firstly, more schools have becom...

  • 最新出炉的英文版IBT听力讲义(十三)

    PASSAGE 2 1. What is the professor mainly discussing? A. The importance of function in the design of a building B. A number of modern American architects and the important elements in their work C. Which of the three elements of architecture is the m...

  • 最新出炉的英文版IBT听力讲义(十四)

    PASSAGE 3 1. What does the professor mean when he says this: A. It is not something important. B. The students should already know it C. It will be explained later in the lecture. D. The students need to answer his question. 2. Listen againWhich sent...

  • 最新出炉的英文版IBT听力讲义(十五)

    PASSAGE4 1. How is the information organized in the lecture? A. By contrasting various periods in American history B. By classifying various types of colonies C. By describing developments leading to the American revolution D. By outlining steps in t...

  • 为托福写作加分的35个实用句型

    一、~ the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/heard/had/read, etc) ~ the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen ( known/ heard/ had/read, etc) 例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have e...

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    Topic66:你是否同意,同学比父母对孩子影响更大? Topic 66 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates are a more important influence than parents on a childs success in school. Use specific reasons and example...

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