• 托福考试听力经典文章

    1. 文科段子:艺术类音乐 It may seem strange that were discussing music from a Broadway production in this class, The Lion King especially, since its based on a popular Hollywood movie. I mean music preformed for Broadway theater in the hear...

  • 推荐:托福听力训练之经典方法(下)


  • 托福听力:如何提高托福听力水平


  • 名师指导:新托福听力备考过程中几个要点

    1.熟悉题型及出题方式,总结听力中常见的场景。把托福的听力场景分类。 2.练习做笔记的能力:练习速记关键词、关键句。新托福听力部分的新颖之处在于允许考生在听材料的过程中记录重要...

  • TOEFL听力段子十大黄金原则(三)

    5. 因果原则 听段子时,要特别注意那些含有因果含义的词或结构。因为无论段子还是对话,有因果的地方永远做考点。因果类标志词又可细分为原因类和结果类。 Multiply: 历年TOEFL听力段子中...

  • 推荐:托福听力训练之经典方法(上)


  • TOEFL听力段子十大黄金原则(二)

    4. 强调原则 乍听上去,强调原则显得很笼统。其实具体可分为两大类:语义强调和语气、语调强调。 语义强调包括含义强调、解释强调、举例强调、级别强调、结论强调、对比强调等六种。...

  • TOEFL听力场景词组归类(四)

    音乐会场景 pianist,soloist,conductor(director) philharmonic(交响乐团),band out of the world,fantastic,terrific receive standing ovation. museum and art gallery场景 exhibit,exhibition,sculpture,carving,fresco,oil-painting,water-color painti...

  • 托福中经常用到的谚语习语八十条

    1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 2. A common danger causes common action. 同舟共济。 3. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast. 知足常乐。 4. A fall into the pit, a gain in y...

  • 托福听力的弦外之音(上)


  • 托福考试-托福真题听力短语

    have ones hands full; be swamped with 表示很忙 pin sb. down 逼迫某人说出 senitation department 部门 at no charge 免费 big,light 表示饭的丰盛;多(big)清淡;少(light) pickout truck 货车 put aside 储存 slip表示分数...

  • 托福考试听力真题100个短语

    1 a change of pace 节奏变换 You cant do these chemistry experiments all day long. You certainly need a change of pace. 2 a far cry from 相距甚远 The published book is far cry from the early manuscript. 3 and how 的确 A: Shes a good dancer....

  • 托福听力的弦外之音(下)

    四、场景Situations 前面音、词汇和题型三种方法都是从某种语言角度获取TOEFL听力的规律,场景的方法则已完全摆脱了语言这一表象,发生了哲学性的飞跃,上升到现实生活的高度来抓TOEFL听力...

  • 托福听力指导:TOEFL听力习惯用语

    above all - most importantly account for - explain as a matter of fact - in fact ,to speak the truth as a rule - generally ;normally about to - be ready to;be on the point of doing something an old hand - be an experienced persom any day now -soon ap...

  • 托福考试听力常用短语汇总(2)

    rain or shine 不论晴雨 rainy day 贫苦困难的日子 raise hell 破口大骂 raise the roof 变得异常愤怒 really something 了不起 red tape 官样文章 red tape 繁文缛节 reflect on 回忆 regular guy 好人,靠得住的人 released...

  • 托福听力辅导:Toefl听力成语精选

    1.flying colors--success,victory 2.little by little--gradually 3.call off--cancel 4.come into--receive,especially after anothers death 5.put off--postpone 6.stop by--make a brief visit on ones way elsewhere 7.tie up--hinder 8.be out for--trying to ge...

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