• 俄语最常用100词-28-[Свой - One's own-自己的

    ★Свой is the Russian reflexive possessive pronoun. It is used when the owner of something is also the subject. (Its use is required in the 3rd person, and optional in the 1st and 2nd. Although it is almost always used if the subject is ты). Mo...

  • 俄语最常用100词-24-[Ты - You (familiar)-你]

    ★Ты is the Russian pronoun for the second person singular. It is informal and commonly used with friends and children. Use Вы instead when formality is required. Ты在俄语中是第二人称代词,与Вы 相比是非正式的说法,经常用...

  • У него есть кот, но нет собаки.他有只猫,但是他没有狗

    ★Но is the Russian conjunction meaning but. It is used when two parts of a sentence contradict([?k?ntr??dikt]vt.反驳,否认的真实性;与发生矛盾) one another. Remember that А (word 11) is used when the clauses contrast one anothe...

  • 俄语最常用100词-22-[Тот(та,то,те)-That-那个]

    ★Тот is the Russian demonstrative pronoun meaning that. It is very similar to Этот (this). Masc. Fem. Neut. Plural ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ English That -----------...

  • 俄语最常用100词-29-[Так - So-那么,非常]

    ★Так translates to so and its use in Russian is quite similar to English. Так和英语中的so 基本上一模一样。 Я так устал, что я могу спать в этом кресле! Im so tired that I could sleep in this chair!...

  • 俄语最常用100词-30-[Один (Одна, Одно) - One

    ★Один is the number 1. Один就是一的意思。需要注意的是变化、接阴性词变为Одна,接中性词变为Одно。 У вас три сумки, а у меня только одна. Youve got three bags and Ive only got on...

  • 俄语最常用100词-31-[Вот - Here, there-这儿,那儿

    ★Вот can mean here or there. It is used when are pointing or gesturing towards something. If you are not pointing then here will usually translate as здесь instead. Вот 的意思是这儿,那儿。经常被用于指定或朝向一些事物...

  • 俄语最常用100词-32-[Который - Which, who-哪个,

    ★Который means which and declines like an adjective. In Russian the use of Который is more strict. In English we may ask What book do you like?, but it is more correct to ask Which book do you like?. This distinction is important in Ru...

  • 俄语最常用100词-34-[Только - Only-仅仅]

    ★Только is Russian for only. 在俄语中是仅仅的意思。 Только в этом доме я чувствую себя в безопасности. only in this house do I feel safe and secure. 只有在这个房间里我感觉到很安全...

  • 俄语最常用100词-35-[Ещё - Still, yet-已经]

    ★Ещё translates to the adverb still or yet depending on its position in the sentence. Ещё意思是已经,还。 Я ещё не обставила своей новой квартиры. I still havent furnished my new apartment. 我还没弄好...

  • 俄语最常用100词-36-[От - From-从,来至]

    ★От is one of the Russian words that translates to from (refer also с and из). От is usually used with the genitive case. От (+genitive) is used when receiving something from someone, from a person. От意思是来至,与 с 和 из意思...

  • 俄语最常用100词-37-[Такой - Such-那么]

    ★Такой means such and its use is quite similar to English. However it worth noting that the negative не такой can mean different. не такой的意思是不同。 Как можно жить на такую маленькую зарпл...

  • 俄语最常用100词-38-[Мочь-Can,to be able-能]

    ★Мочь is useful verb that means to be able or can. Я могу пойти в кино. I can go to the cinema. 我可以去电影院。 Он не может приготовить обед. He can not cook lunch. 他不会做饭。 Мы могли...

  • 俄语最常用100词-39-[Говорить - Speak-说]

    Говорить means to speak. Its perfective form is Сказать. 完成时是Сказать。 Я люблю много говорить. I like to speak a lot. 我爱说。 Он не часто говорит со своей мамой. He doe...

  • 俄语最常用100词-40-[Сказать - Say-说]

    Сказать means to say. It is the perfective form of Говорить. 是Говорить的完成体。 Он сказал, что ему нравится город. He said he liked the city. 他说,他喜欢城市。 Она сказала д...

  • Я принес чашку чая для вас. 我为你拿了一杯茶

    Для translates to for in the sense of for the benefit of. It is followed by the genitive case. (Note: dependant on meaning, for can also be translated using за or simply only the dative case). 翻译为为了,后接属格。 Я принес ча...

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