
外语培训 2016-02-24 14:14www.facebook-novi.com外语学习
  You wear them under your normal clothes: these are smalls and undies
  The script of this programme 本节目台词
  Neil: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English with me Neil...
  Li: ...and me Li. Hello.
  Neil: In this programme, we're talking about clothes.
  Li: (very excited) 衣服! 这可是我最喜欢的话题了 my favourite subject in the whole world! 我通晓所有的名牌,也都穿过。咱们就来谈谈我的衣服吧 let's talk about MY clothes.
  Neil: Well... actually Li, I thought we could talk about our smalls.
  Li: Smalls 小衣服?你认为我穿的衣服太小?你不是在说我胖吧?
  Neil: No, no Li. You look fine. 'Smalls' is a word we use for underwear.
  Li: Smalls 内衣裤。这么说你是在谈论女人和男人内裤啦、袜子啦还有女人带的胸罩啦什么的...
  Neil: Yes. And we can refer to our underwear as 'smalls' or 'undies'.
  Li: Undies 内衣内裤。这倒挺容易记的,因为 undies 就是我们穿在外衣里面的衣服。
  Neil: Two easy words to remember when you talk about underwear. And remember they are always plural.
  Li: I see. 这两个词永远都是以复数形式出现,所以决不能说 one undie 或者 one small. 记住这两个词是统称的内衣裤所以要加复数。
  Neil: Yes. Let's hear some examples of how these words are used.
  Linda, hurry up or we'll miss the plane! Don't forget to pack your smalls!
  Billy, don't walk around the house in your undies. Your granny is coming to visit and she'll be here at any time.
  Neil: Now don't forget that these words for underwear are very informal and British slang.
  Li: 请大家记住这两个词是非正式用语,而且属于英语中的俚语。Well, smalls and undies can look good too - even if not many people will see them.
  Neil: Oh, you want to talk about fashion now.
  Li: Of course. I love fashion! Do you love fashion, Neil?
  Neil: Er... not much... no.
  Li: Come on! Come on, Neil! Let's go shopping! I can help you choose the trendiest clothes... you've got to have style. Let's go! Come on!
  Neil: OK. OK.
  Li: Bye!

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