掌握3种时态关键词 攻克雅思听力时态关

外语培训 2020-02-03 11:21www.facebook-novi.com外语学习



例1:剑桥真题8,test3, section 1的第9-10题。

Which TWO facilities in the district of Devon Close are open to the public at the moment?

A. museum

B. concert hall

C. cinema

D. sports centre

E. swimming pool

当看到这个题干的时候,大家就应该注意到,题目的考点即时态,关键词“at the moment”也就是选择与“现在”相对应的选项。


Man: Why’s that part of town so popular?

Woman: Well, there’s a big scheme to improve the district, and it’ll soon have the best facilities for miles around.

Man: What sort of thing?

Woman: There is a big sports center under construction, which will be very impressive when it’s finished. In fact the swimming pool’s already opened ahead of schedule, and it’s attracting a lot of people.

Man: What about cinemas: are there are any in the area?

Woman: The only one closed down last year, and it’s now in the process of being converted into a film museum. The local people are trying to get a new cinema added to the scheme..

Man: I think I hear something about a plan to replace the existing concert hall with a larger one.

Woman: Ah, that’s due to start next year.


例2:剑桥真题8, Test 2, section 3, Question 21

Where in Australia have Asian honey bees been found in the past?

A. Queensland

B. New South Wales

C. Severl states

观察题干,大家可以发现时态考点词“in the past”,即所选答案应该是对应“过去有的”。


Anyway, my current research involves trying to find a particular type of bee, the Asian Honey Bee, and finding out whether there are any of them around in various states of Australia. We discovered a few of them in Queensland once and eradicated them. Now, we’re pretty keen to make sure that there aren’t any more getting in, particularly to New South Wales and other states.

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