
外语培训 2020-02-03 10:36www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  搭配一 between ourselves


  All this is between ourselves. 这些我们只是私下说说。

  Between ourselves, I think she’s a bit of a fool. 你可别对别人说啊,我觉得她有点儿傻。

  Between ourselves, I don’t think he will live much longer. 咱们私下说说,他活不久了。

  Between ourselves. I think Mr. Holmes had not quite got over his illness yet. 我们私下说说,我认为福尔摩斯先生病还没完全好。

  有时也说成between you and me,意思一样。如:

  Between you and me, I think he’s rather stupid. 这是我们私下里说的话,我认为他很笨。

  搭配二 among oneself

  该搭配中的反身代词通常为ourselves, themselves,且通常与动词agree, argue, quarrel, decide, divide, talk 等搭配,表示“彼此”“互相”“……之间”之类的意思。如:

  They were busy arguing among themselves. 他们忙着互相争论。

  We were always quarrelling among ourselves. 我们之间老是互相争吵。

  They talked among themselves while they waited. 他们一边等着一边互相谈话。

  Volunteers divided the different jobs among themselves. 志愿者们分担各种不同的工作。

  The trainees decide among themselves what programs to take. 受训者自行选择所学课程。

  The trouble was they couldn’t agree among themselves. 麻烦的是他们自己不能取得一致的意见。

  有时也与discussion, dispute等名词搭配。如:

  They had a heated discussion among themselves. 他们之间进行了热烈的讨论。

  They tried to settle disputes among themselves. 他们试图解决彼此之间的纠纷。

  搭配三 by oneself



  I often like to spend time by myself. 我平常喜欢独自消磨时间。

  The dog was in the house by itself for several days. 狗在房子里单独呆了几天。

  She is old enough to travel by herself. 她已经到了可以自己出门旅行的年龄了。


  My mother is by herself, so I must go home now. 我妈一个人在家,因此我得回家了。

  二是表示“靠自己”“无他人帮助”,与without help同义。如:

  I managed to do it by myself. 我是自己做成这件事的。

  John managed to repair his car by himself. 约翰设法独力修理自己的汽车。

  There are many things one must do by oneself without depending on others. 有许多事情你必须自己去做,不能依靠别人。

  三是表示“自动地”,主要用于 by itself,意思相当于automatically。如:

  This is a machine that works by itself. 这是一台自动工作的机器。

  The door opens by itself as you approach it. 当你靠近时候门就会自动打开。

  The machine will start by itself in a few seconds. 机器在几秒钟后会自动开启。

  搭配四 for oneself



  You can judge for yourself. 你可以自己做出判断。

  He has a fight to decide for himself. 他有权自己做决定。

  He demanded the right to decide for himself. 他要求得到自己做决定的权力。


  He made no complaint for himself. 他没为自己诉苦。

  He acted without thought for himself. 他那样做的时候并没考虑到自己。

  She’s no shrinking violet—always ready to speak up for herself. 她可不胆小——任何场合都能为自己说话。

  搭配五 in itself


  He is not bad in himself. 他本质不坏。

  The idea is not bad in itself. 这主意本身不错。

  Threading a needle is an art in itself. 穿针引线本身就是一种技巧。

  You’ve managed to complete the course—that in itself is an achievement. 你设法修完了课程——这本身就是成绩。

  搭配六 to oneself


  1. cry to oneself 哭着对自己说

  Oh Ned, Nancy cried to herself, why did you have to leave me? 哦,内德,南希还哭着对自己说,你为什么一定得离开我呢?

  2. have something to oneself 独自享用某物

  I have the whole day to myself. 今天整天都是属于我自己的。

  With my parents away I’ve got the house to myself. 由于我父母不在,我可以独自使用这所房子。

  3. keep (oneself) to oneself 不与人交往

  Nobody knows much about him; he keeps himself very much to himself. 谁都不太了解他,因为他很少与人来往。

  4. say to oneself 心里想

  So I said to myself, “It’s time I left.” 所以我想:“我该走了。”

  I woke up early and said to myself, “Shall I get up?” 我很早就醒来了,心里想:“要不要起床呢?”

  注意:say to oneself与speak to oneself大致同义,主要指“说给自己听”“在心里想着”,其“自言自语”的成分比较少。若要表示“自言自语”(强调出声),可用talk to oneself。如:

  He was probably talking to himself, which he often did now. 他也许在自言自语,他现在常常如此。

  When she was old, she would sit in the corner talking to herself for hours. 在她年老时,她老坐在角落里自言自语,一说就是几个小时。

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