
外语培训 2020-02-03 09:31www.facebook-novi.com外语学习


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: One quality that a successful leader must have is to make decisions quickly; when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as inefficient to the people he leads.



  观点: 不同意


  1. 关乎国家和人民利益的决定,领导人应该按照程序谨慎执行。

  2. 做决定慢并不代表着低效,相反,谨慎做决定能够避免一些问题的出现,反而是更高效的。


  The discussion about what is the most important quality of being a successful leader has never dimmed. Although no one will seriously cast doubt on the idea that a leader should act decisively and resolutely, I think it is too absolute to say that a leader should make decisions fast in any circumstance. Sometimes, the process of reaching a decision that costs a lot of time is inevitable; and more importantly, making a decision without indiscretion may lead to disastrous inefficiency.

  First of all, a successful leader, regardless of what he has achieved in his tenure, should be subordinate to the established process of decision-making. If the implementation of the leader’s idea has a marked impact on the future of the country and lives of its people, he ought to be solicitous of the opinions of other in accordance with the existing rules and procedures. Unsurprisingly, it takes time for his consultants, members of his cabinet and opponents to evaluate the idea about its pros and cons, and then to submit each of their own opinions independently, before being ready to go into a lengthy, frustrating and intensive debate. Very likely the process described above only involves the first stage of turning an idea into a practical decision. However, the leader will be in breach of principles in terms of due process, transparency and fairness for failing to listen to the opinions from all interested parties. Otherwise, he is on the path to tyranny.

  Secondly, a successful leader should not being perceived as inefficient is the exact reason that supports my position. A leader, no matter how marvelous he has been, is a human being after all and any man has a natural tendency to make mistakes. As time-consuming as it feels at first sight, listening to views and arguments from others-not to mention processing the massive amount of information afterwards-enables the leader to review his genuine idea carefully to see how to prevent unnecessary mistakes that are entirely avoidable. On the other hand, if the leader does not bother to spend time taking suggestions from his advisors into consideration but rushes his plan regardless of opposite views, it is likely he will have to spend much more resources and time to amend the mistakes in future. Indeed, the practice of making decisions slowly and carefully can result in higher efficiency in the long run.

  In conclusion, the statement that a successful leader should make decisions quickly is quite naïve.




  1. 加拿大政府做了一项调查,25%的16岁以下的年轻人都不说这种语言了;

  2. 现在很多场所都使用英语进行交流,渔业也使用英语交流;

  3. 很多媒体也不使用这种语言了,很多节目都使用英语和法语。


  1. 这个调查不准确,专家通过面对面的调查结果发现,其实很多年轻人都说这种语言;政府调查里之所以说他们不说这种语言,是因为他们说的不是传统的,而是现代的。

  2. 尽管很多场所用英语交流,但是很多当地的渔民还是使用因纽特进行交流,只有当遇到不会讲这种语言的人才使用英语。

  3. 虽然现在电视节目很少说这种语言了,但是现在很多年轻人都开始使用互联网了,而在互联网上很多人还是说因纽特语。

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