
外语培训 2020-02-02 15:13www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  首先要知道这句话的main idea:比如Everyone will agree, he argues, that happiness is the ultimate end to be valued for itself and really only for itself. For what other purpose is there in being happy? What does it yield ? The attainment of happiness becomes the ultimate or highest good for Aristotle.此句话如果做听写会很麻烦,因为开头那个插入语引导的两个义群都相对较长:

  everyone will agree/ that happiness is the ultimate end to be valued for itself,如果一般的听写会把语流所带出来的逻辑打乱:这样,考生的脑子里就会形成“每个人都知道,他(Aristotle)提出,幸福是人类追求的最终要义……”

  原本流畅的一句话就这样被切割了。但是当我们注重一句话的main idea的时候,我们就会发现,这两句听完,表达的就是一个意思:幸福是人类追求的最终成就(要义、结果……)

  大家可以判断一句话的感情色彩:在某些语气强烈的句子当中,比如反问句和对比性较强的句子,说话者往往拿两个事情进行对比而得出一个答案,此时,我们只要听出得出的答案即可:比如,But why? why do workers and soliders have to learn self-control? Well,how can a society flourish if the workers and soliders don't control their desires and emotions?

  此处一个反问句,其实表达的意思即一种:Anyway,无论如何,W和S should and must learn to control themselves。这样也减轻了大家在听力的时候记忆可能过载的现象。


  1. So, for Watson, thinking is identical with the activity of muscles. A related concept of thinking was developed by William James. It's called ideomoter action;接下来展开的是ideomoter action;

  2. But why? why do workers and soliders have to learn self-control? Well,how can a society flourish if the workers and soliders don't control their desires and emotions? Plato thinks if the they aren't under control, workers will sleep too much and play too much, so they're not going to get their jobs done. And soliders need to channel their high spiritedness in a certain direction, precisely by being courageous.But you are not going to get that automatically.推断接下来要讲如何使W和S能够学会self-control的,所以接下来文章提出的education问题才不会显得十分突兀。


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