
外语培训 2019-12-14 20:51www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

剑6,Test4的Q9:Kim Schaefer’s marketing technique may be open to criticism on moral grounds。题目中定位词为moral,在文章中定位,我们会在文章第三段中定位到“Selling pharmaceuticals is a daily exercise in ethical judgment”,而其中ethical即为moral的同义词。

剑4,Test3的Q9:Any street child can set up their own small business if given enough support.此判断题中定位词实际上是词组“set up their own small business ”,在文章中定位,我们会在文章中“Lessons learned” 的部分中定位到“Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone, not for every street child”。此处,文章中“Being an entrepreneur”即为定位词的同义词组。


perceive →sense evolve →develop detect →find

mortal →people unbiased → objective

limb → arm or leg waste→ unwanted material

resemble → look like dwelling → domestic building


剑7,Test1的Q8:However, even before this was understood, the principle had been applied in the design of instruments which calculated the ____ of the seabed。 此题为在原文中选词填空的摘要题,定位词为“calculate”和“seabed”, 在文章中我们会定位到“Before this was discovered, engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle, for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship”。此处“measure”即为“calculate”的近义词,而“sea”即为“seabed”的上义词。


salary → wage statement → comment

be gained from → derive from policy → initiative

valuable → important break down → subdivide


剑6,Test3的Q33:Monkeys were less likely to become diabetic。此题为分类题,定位词为“diabetic”,在文章中定位,我们能定位到句子“…and they have more normal blood glucose levels(pointing to a reduced risk for diabetes, which is marked by usually high blood glucose levels)”。题目中定位词“diabetic”为名词,意为“糖尿病”,而文章中的“diabetes”也为名词,但意为“糖尿病”,是 “diabetic”的派生词。

剑4,Test4的Q14:archaeology involves creativity as well as careful investigative work。 此题为是非无判断题,定位词为“creativity”和“investigative”,在文章中我们能定位到“Archaeology is partly the discovery of the treasures of the past,…partly the exercise of the creative imagination…it is investigating the sewers of Roman Britain”。题目中定位词“creativity”为名词,在文章中对应形式“creative”(形容词)为它的派生词,;定位词 “investigative”为形容词,在文章中对应形式“investigate”(动词)为它的派生词。

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