
外语培训 2019-12-15 11:45www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

在与的交流中,笔者时常能听到很多对特定问题的固定回答,例如说Why do people like listening to music? 回答的点通常是reduce pressure/ relaxation/ kill time。又如What is the importance of learning a second language? 通常会说better to communicate层面的话。像这样的情况还有很多,private cars通常大家能想到convenience; doing housework的普遍答案是independent; doing sports的惯有观点一般是build up our body.
对于雅思口语的各大类话题,似乎每一个考生心目中都已经形成了自己的标准答案。但是当真正的时候,还会不停地要问why, 要我们再举例,再具体说明,这可难倒了大片雅思大军,直至对西方的思维方式感到抓狂。其实,用中式思维也是一样的,放松身心,强身健体,方便快捷,独立自主都是一些比较“空”的话,当然不会喜欢这样的镂空回答。
那应该如何从我们选定的方向出发,把表达的内容由“空”变“实”呢?这里朗阁海外研究中心给大家的建议是这样的,我们可以从optimize personal experience(优化自身经历)出发,也就是把观点联系自身实际,把抽象观点变实。以下笔者将主要给大家介绍三类话题的个人经历优化法回答。
Q: Why do people like listening to music?
大家都喜欢音乐,这个无可置疑。喜欢音乐确实是因为reduce pressure/ relaxation/ kill time这样一些休闲放松作用。那我们为什么需要减压放松呢?
As a graduating student, I meet loads of deadlines from the assignments of the teachers. Meanwhile, it is really a tough time that I have to both preparing for my resume and go to different places to take the interview.
Well, I suppose that most of the people like listening to music cause it is a real good way to relax and reduce pressure. You know, as a graduating student, recently, I meet loads of deadlines from the assignments of the teachers. Meanwhile, it is really a tough time that I have to both preparing for my resume and rushing to different places to take the interview. Music, during the period, is a real good antidote to my stress and tight schedule. I think most of the people share the same feeling with me.

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