雅思口语part2 虚拟物品怎么说

外语培训 2019-12-14 19:49www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  PART 2一直以来都是众多考生的”心腹大患“,而”虚拟物品类“的题目更是让好多同学摸不着头脑,因为考生的真实生活中往往缺乏相应的素材,以至于觉得无话可说,比如说下面一道例题:

  Describe a radio or TV program that you like.

  You should say:

  what this program is

  when you listened to or watched this program

  what the contents of the program are

  and explain why you like this program.

  相信很多同学看到这个题目,心里会犯嘀咕“我已经有很多年没有看过电视,收音机也仿佛是上个世纪的东西了,这让我如何是好……“。我的一名陈同学 刚看到这个题目的时候也是觉得无从下手,因为首先从”选材“上就受到了障碍。他脑中倒是闪现了一些当下比较流行的节目,例如”中国好声音“,”非诚勿扰 “,”我是歌手”等等,但是觉得都不好说,最后他硬着头皮选了一个“我是歌手”来说,下面是陈同学的大致答案:

  Well, I’d like to talk about a show named “I’m a Singer”. I first watched this show 3 month ago. In this show, many famous singers are gonna compete against each other for audiences’ support. In each episode, the audience will eliminate certain singers and in the end, the champion will be granted the title “ the King of Music”. I love this show because I’m a big fan of music and this show can always help me relax. Whenever I feel tired after a long period of studying, I will watch this show to kick back because the singers can always amaze me with their incredible talent.

  相信同学们看了这个答案后也许会觉得这个答案“还可以”,因为一些表达还是比较地道的,像“compete against each other”, ”a big fan of”, ”kick back”等等。其实陈同学在上我的课之前考过一次,口语分数是6.5,可见他是有一定的口语基础的,但是他申请的要求他口语至少7分,而上面的答案很明显是不符合7分的要求的,因为上面的答案有影响获得目标分数的问题:


  陈同学把第二方面“when you first watched this program”用一句话带过了,而且本来应该作为重头戏的第四方面”why you like this program”没有把握好,说的内容比较少,肯定撑不到两分钟;




  其实第四方面“why you like this program”本来是要求考生将这个节目的价值“升华”一下,也就是说出“精神价值”,但是陈同学只点出了“relaxing”这个相对平淡的中心点,听起来有些“肤浅”;

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