
外语培训 2019-12-13 15:04www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  be fed up with - be out of patience with

  be on one’s own - live independently

  be on the safe side - take no chances

  be out of something - have no longer in supply

  be tired of - be bored with ,frustrated with

  be up to ones’ears - be extremely busy

  be up to someone -be a person’s responsibility

  be out for -trying to get

  be out of the question - be unacceptable ,impossible

  bite off more than one can chew - take on more than one can handle

  break down - cease to function

  break the ice - begin to be friendly wuth people one doesn’t know

  break the news - inform or give bad news

  brush up on - imporve noe’s knowledge of something through study

  bump into - meet unexpectedly

  by and large - in general

  by heart - by memory

  by all means - absolutely ,definitely

  by no means - in no way


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