
外语培训 2019-12-13 15:01www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  p.a. (paper ass) 没头脑的人

  packed like sardines 拥挤得象沙丁鱼罐头一样

  packed snow 路上被踩过的雪

  paddle one's own canoe 独自闯出自己的前途

  pain in the neck 极讨厌的人或物

  paint the town red 疯狂地庆祝

  particular about food 对食物很讲究

  pass away 过世

  pass out 昏倒;分发

  pass over 忽略

  past master 技艺精湛的人

  pay down (分期付款)付头款

  pay one's own way 各自付费

  pay the price 付出代价;得到报应

  penny for your thoughts. 告诉我你想什么

  perhaps some other day 改天吧.

  Perish the thought! 打消这念头!

  person after my own heart 他人的作为符合我的心意

  pick holes 挑毛病

  pick sb out 看中某人

  pick up 一点点学习

  pick-me-up 喝酒、汤等刺激一下

  pipe course 容易的课程或工作

  pipe down 安静些

  plain home cooking 家常便饭

  plain sailing 一帆风顺;轻而易举之事

  play ball with 与……合作

  play it straight 诚实

  play truant 逃学

  plenty of fish in the sea 比喻多得很

  plug along 为生活而拼命工作

  poorly off 穷困潦倒

  pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步

  pour oil on troubled waters 平息事态

  prices are soaring 物价飞涨

  pull a long face 拉长脸不悦

  pull a long oar 独自去作

  pull no punches 不客气,动真格的

  pull off 成功;完成

  pull one's leg 开某人的玩笑

  pull oneself together 恢复镇定

  pull through 克服困难;恢复

  push one's luck 在已有利情况下做多余冒险

  put an end to 结束

  put aside 储蓄

  put heads together 一起商讨问题

  put heat on 对某人要求严厉

  put it on the cuff 赊帐

  put it this way 这样说;这样做

  put off 延期

  put on a show 假装给人家看

  put on weight 胖了

  put one out of the way 杀某人

  put one's foot down 坚决反对

  put one's foot in it 说错话

  put one's foot in one's mouth 说错话

  put one's heart and soul in sth 全心全意做某事

  put sb in charge of 让某人负责某事

  put sb in the ring 和某人赛一场

  put that in one's pipe and smoke it 威胁别人好好想清楚

  put through 接通电话;做妥一件工作

  put up 举起;住宿

  put up a good show 好好表现自己

  put up with 忍受

  put your best foot forward 尽量使你的仪容整洁

  quality work 细活儿

  queer(strange) fish 怪人

  quit smocking 戒烟

  quite all right 没关系


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