
外语培训 2019-12-13 14:30www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  8. Scene VIII: registration and application

  Registration date


  Other materials

  Example 1: Registration

  What is the main topic of the conversation?

  A The traffic accident.

  B How to enter the university.

  C How to register in courses and pay tuition.

  D How to register and use a credit card.

  A: Hello, are you Karen Beauchamp?

  S: Yes, I am. I am sorry I’m late for my appointment but there was an incident on the bridge and traffic was backed up.

  A: That’s okay. I am Rodney Caldwell. How may I help you?

  S: How are my registration date and time determined?

  A: Fist year students are mailed a designated date and specific time with their admission letter. For continuing students the dates and time for registration are determined by the average from the previous winter session and by the year that the student is in. Are you a first year student?

  S: Yes, I am.

  A: Have you received your admission letter?

  S: Yes, I have, but I also have some questions on how to pay for the courses. How do I pay if I don’t use a credit card?

  A: Other options are, by going to a bank and paying the teller the amount on your course confirmation slip, or by coming to the campus and paying in-person at the Student Services Building on the third floor.

  Example 2: Registration Date

  1. When should the man check with Student Services to ensure the change of registration date?

  A When all of the senior students register in courses.

  B Twenty-four hours before the registration date.

  C Seven days before the designated registration date.

  D Twenty-four days before the registration date.

  2. What will happen if the man does not receive his financial aid?

  A It will be simply impossible for him to register.

  B It may still be possible to register if he gets a letter from the university financial officer.

  C He will make arrangements with the Registrar after registration.

  D He can still register but he will have to wait until the registration of senior students is over.

  S: Will my registration date change?

  A: For newly admitted students and undergraduates who are juniors or sophomores, the date could change as returning students at the senior level are given priority. You should check with Students Services one week prior to your registration date to ensure that there has been no change.

  S: Should I pay attention to the time?

  A: Yes, it is best to register on your date at the designated time. You cannot register before that date.

  S: What if I am unable to register at that time?

  A: You can register after that time but the chances are you will have less of a chance getting into the courses that you want at the times that you want.

  S: When do the fees have to be paid?

  A: Fees must be received within 24hours of registering.

  S: If I haven’t received the financial aid I am expecting, is it possible for me to register anyway?

  A: In special circumstances, a letter from the university financial officer or a sponsor’s authorization letter may be considered. Under those conditions, arrangements must be made with the Registrar prior to your on-line registration.

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