
外语培训 2019-12-13 09:44www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  托福[微博]口语部分共有六道题组成。第一题和第二题是独立口语任务,要求考生根据自己的观点、见解或经历来答题。其余四题是综合口语任务,考生需要听一段对话或讲座中的部分内容,或者先读一篇文章然后听一个简短的讨论或讲座节选,然后答题。作为托福口语当中“打头阵”的部分,托福独立口语任务能否顺利、漂亮地完成会直接影响整个口语部分的心情和状态。下面就以2009年1月10日的为例,我们一起抽丝剥茧、层层深入地进行学习。  第一步:解读题目,抓出答题要点  【题目】  While choosing a friend, which of the following characteristics do you care about most: honesty; loyalty or sense of humor? Explain why this characteristic is the most important to you?  上面这道题目的中文意思是,当你选择朋友的时候,你最在乎的是什么:诚实、忠诚、还是幽默感?阐述一下为什么该性格特征对你来说是最重要的。  题目中共有3种性格特征,可以作为回答的切入点包括honesty (诚实), loyalty(忠诚), sense of humor(幽默感)。接下来,以loyalty为例,给大家演示如何展开回答。  第二步:快速列提纲,分条列出预测会用到的词、短语和关联词  【提纲】  Intro: loyalty  Body:  1. last for a long time  2. stay true to  3. in need  Transitional words: therefore  结语:the most important  第三步:看着关键词,串词成句,脱口而出;注意论证要有层次性;观点和论证都要有细节!  【Sample】  题目简单复述,开门见山,点出回答要点:When I choose a friend, I think loyalty is the most important characteristic。  细节论证理由一:If we are loyal to each other, our friendship will last for a long time even if we do not live in the same city or do not have much time to get along。  同一论证深入补充说明:Though we do not see each other every day, he or she must be the first person I will think of when I need him or her。  细节论证理由二:When our relationship is firm and strong, I can open my heart to my friend。  同一观点,从不同角度逐一论证:1)No matter I'm happy or sad, I can stay true to my friend without putting on a mask. 2)We can talk about anything in my life, because I know my friend will keep secrets for me. 3)This kind of mutual trust can make me feel quite warm when I know that there is someone in the world, who knows everything about me and who will listen to my stories but will not judge me。  引用名言论证理由三:As an old saying goes, "A friend in need is a friend indeed"。  对名言稍作解释:I believe, if my friend is loyal to me, he or she will give me a hand when I meet with difficulties in my life。  最后总结陈述:Therefore, I believe loyalty is the most important characteristic of a real friend。  【独立口语任务答题流程】  A. 15秒时间用来快速列出提纲  B. 45秒时间内根据提纲展开话题:共10句话  C。实际话题阐述时间为43秒 (平时多加练习,准备100 - 120词的内容试试。因为一般人的语速差不多快慢如此。再多的内容会导致没有总结陈述。)  【类似话题练习】  1. Describe a person that you admire, such as your neighbor or your grandparents, explain why you admire, and how the person influenced you. Include details and examples to support your response。(2008年8月24日)  2. Describe a person you enjoy talking with, explain why you enjoy talking with him or her. Include details and examples to support your response。(2008年10月12日)  通常,独立口语任务比综合口语任务相对简单,因为考查的内容都是考生自己熟悉的人物、地点、物品或事件。但实际情况是考生看到题目后,往往却不是很清楚应该从何说起。而短短的1分钟就在犹豫和紧张中很快溜走。但只要提前掌握了答题规律和答题要点,完全可以在有限的时间里要自如地展开话题。当然,这需要平时多模仿、多练习。

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