
外语培训 2019-12-13 09:52www.facebook-novi.com外语学习



  aisle seat--过道旁的座位

  go to the movies/go to a movie(冠词不可少)



  receive a standing ovation


  like peas and carrots--形影不离

  I’ll miss you twenty-four seven.(24 hours and 7 day)

  Break one’s leg--大获全胜

  With flying colors--大获全胜

  Leave sth. well alone/leave it at that不要画蛇添足


  gang up on sth.联合起来对付某人

  --They always gang up on me.

  Quite a person = somebody--是个人物Come to the point--进入正题

  Gild the lily.--多此一举

  Get out of the wrong side of the bed.--发脾气

  Go to bed with chickens--规律地睡眠

  Since you make your bed, you must lie on it.

  --= take one’s medicine--自食其果

  have a word with sb. about sth.--讨论问题

  have words with sb. about sth. --吵架

  I’d never get enough of it.--玩不够

  I’ve got enough of it.--受够了

  Don’t get me wrong.--别误会我

  Don’t get on my nerve.--别惹我心烦

  What a nerve--真不要脸

  I don’t have a nerve(heart).--没有勇气

  Spend money like water.

  Head over heels in love with sb.--拜倒在…

  --A good life is imspired by love and guided by knowledge.

  I was born in a dradon year.出生在龙年


  this is my treat.

  Let me treat you to sth.

  Let me pay the bill.

  The bill is on me.

  Go dutch--aa制

  Spilt the check.

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