
外语培训 2019-12-13 10:28www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  under the sun 世界上任何地方

  under the table 台底交易

  under the weather 身体不适

  under warranty, be 在保修期内

  under way (under weight) 事情在进展之中

  up and about 身体复员,可下地走动

  up to 轮到某人

  up to one's ears, be 沉迷;热中

  up to one's neck, be 太忙于做某事

  up to sth, be 对某事称职

  use one's name as a reference 让某人推荐

  very light in weight 很轻

  very much appreciated, be 很感激

  visit John 上厕所

  wage a war on sth 对某事发动一场战争

  walk sb home 陪某人回家

  walkie-talkie 手提对讲机;搬弄是非的人

  walking dictionary 知识渊博的人

  Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳

  wash one's dirty linen in public 公开谈论阴私。

  wash out 精疲力竭,脸色苍白

  watch one's step. 谨慎从事

  watch the budget 小心预算

  watch with hard eye 用注视的目光看人

  Watch your step. 小心走路。

  We just make it. 我们刚好赶上。

  We rap well together. 我们很合得来。

  We'll in for the night by then. 到晚上那时,我们一定已经回去了。

  We'll see later. 以后再说。

  We're not pressed for time. 我们并不赶时间。


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