
外语培训 2019-12-13 13:55www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  雅思阅读判断题通常又被叫做是非题,题目是若干个陈述句,要求根据原文所给的信息,判断每个陈述句是对(True)、错(False)、还是未提及(Not Given)。

  这种题型的难度在于,在对和错之外还有第三种状态:未提及。很多同学难以区分“错”和“未提及”。究其原因,主要在于中西文化在思维方式上的差异。中 国人长期是二元思维方式,即只有“是”和“非”的观念。而西方社会的价值观更加侧重于证据性,即他们追求在思维上的细节对应性。因此,在解题中需要考生把 思维观念稍做更改,适应雅思这种新颖的题型。那么,是非无判断就是雅思中的难题吗?答案当然不是。



  1. 定位方法

  想要快速解题,定位准确无疑是考生必须具备的能力。这也是雅思直接考查大家SCANNING的能力。KEY WORDS定位原则一般选择数字,专有名词,生僻字,物质名词,比较关系中的主体来定位。在长期的真题中摸索,是非无判断有一定的顺序性。在实际解题中可以结合KEY WORDS和顺序性依次定位。

  2. 判断原则


  1) 同义改写

  原文:Rarely do patients watch a doctor write with a pen that isn’t emblazoned with a drug’s name, or see a nurse use a tablet not bearing a pharmaceutical company’s logo.

  题目:Evidence of drug promotion is clearly visible in the healthcare environment.

  2) 归纳总结

  原文:‘A better educated and less public has become disillusioned with the experts in general, and increasingly skeptical about science and empirically based knowledge,’ they said. ‘The high standing of professionals, including doctors, has been eroded as a consequence.’

  题目:In the past, Australians had a higher opinion of doctors than they do today.


  1) 直接相反

  原文:A species becomes extinct when the last individual dies.

  题目:A species is said to be extinct when the last individual exists.

  2) 原文是多个并列(both, and, or, also),而题目中是必须或者只有(must, only)

  原文:Since the Winter Games began, 55 out of 56 gold medals in the men’s Nordic skiing events have been won by competitors from Scandinavia or the former Soviet Union.

  题目:Only Scandinavians have won gold medals in the men’s winter Olympics.

  3) 条件成分

  原文:The Internet has often been criticized by the media as a hazardous tool in the hands of young computer users.

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