
外语培训 2019-12-13 11:14www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  Speaking Section

  Directions: The Speaking section in the test measures your ability to speak about a variety of topics.

  · In questions 1 and 2, in an actual test, your response will be scored on your ability to speak clearly and coherently about familiar topics.

  · In questions 3 and 4, in an actual test, you will first read a short text and then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will have to combine appropriate information from the text and the talk to provide a complete answer. Your response will be scored on your ability to accurately convey information, and to speak clearly and coherently. In this sampler, you will read both the text and the talk.

  · In questions 5 and 6, in an actual test, you will listen to part of a conversation or lecture. Then, you will be asked a question about what you have heard. Your response will be scored on your ability to accurately convey information, and to speak clearly and coherently. In this sampler, you will read the conversation.

  · In an actual test, you will be able to take notes while you read and while you listen to the conversations and talks. You may use your notes to help prepare your responses.

  · Preparation and response times for an actual test are noted in this text. Candidates with disabilities may request time extensions.

  · Sample candidate responses and score explanations can be found in the online version of the sampler. The scoring rubric used to score actual responses can be found on the TOEFL website’s “Download Library” page.

  1. Talk about a pleasant and memorable event that happened while you were in

  school. Explain why this event brings back fond memories.

  Preparation Time: 15 seconds

  Response Time: 45 seconds

  2. Some people think it is more fun to spend time with friends in restaurants or cafés.

  Others think it is more fun to spend time with friends at home. Which do you think

  is better? Explain why.

  Preparation Time: 15 seconds

  Response Time: 45 seconds

  3. Read the following text and the conversation that follows it. Then, answer the


  The Northfield College Student Association recently decided to make a new purchase. Read the following announcement in the college newspaper about the decision. (Reading time in an actual test would be 45-50 seconds.)

  Good News for Movie Fans

  The Student Association has just purchased a new sound system for the Old Lincoln Hall auditorium, the place where movies on campus are currently shown. By installing the new sound system, the Student Association hopes to attract more students to the movies and increase ticket sales. Before making the purchase of the new equipment, the Student Association conducted a survey on campus to see what kind of entertainment students liked best. Going to the movies ranked number one. “Students at Northfield College love going to the movies” said the president of the Student Association, “so we decided to make what they already love even better. We’re confident that the investment into the sound system will translate into increased ticket sales.”

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