
外语培训 2019-12-12 14:09www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

  日期:2010年1月9日Reading passage one



  关于如何应对地中海地区缺水的情况,讲一个利用地壳的热能供水的project,如何利用海水,利用地热方法提取海水,得到饮用水,以及这个方法带来的其它的好处.境空的内容有mineral extraction,crust,grid, operating cost;是非无判断:NG(上一个工程的失败可以避免)F(当地人一开始很支持这个project) T(这个机构还用了一些别的措施来帮助当地人)NC. (local audnrities campaigned against theproject)


  More government support, including subsidies and a favorable pricing mechanism, is neededfor the country to use desalinated seawater to quench its thirst, a top industry expert said.

  "The lack of an effective pricing mechanism for desalinated water and support for an operablepolicy is affecting the development of the country's sea desalination industry," said Li Linmei,director of the State Oceanic Administration's Institute of Seawater Desalination andMultipurpose Utilization in Tianjin.

  The country aims to produce 2.2 million cubic meters of desalinated seawater daily in 2015,about three times current capacity, according to a National Development and ReformCommission plan released last year.

  Current domestic water prices range from 2.4 yuan to 4.9 yuan a metric ton in the coastalregions, while the price of water for industry ranges from 3.3 yuan to 7.9 yuan a ton, accordingto ChinaWaterNet.

  However, desalination plants can produce 674,000 tons daily at a cost of about 5 yuan ($0.80)a ton - not including infrastructure such as pipelines.

  Li said the government should consider bringing desalinated water into the water grid.

  Aside from subsidies and funding for pilot programs, Li believes desalination is a key part ofwater security.

  "The seawater desalination industry is as important as water conservancy projects for China tocope with its water shortage," Li said.

  China suffers from severe water shortages, nearly 54 billion cubic meters on average everyyear. This means that more than 66 percent of cities experience water shortages.

  To compound that difficulty, water consumption is expected to surge to about 700 billion cubicmeters in 2030, up from 600 billion cubic meters.

  Facing such a severe shortage, authorities are taking measures.

  In March, the NDRC identified the regions and companies selected to carry out the firstdesalination projects, including heavily populated areas such as Zhejiang and Hebei provinces,and the municipalities of Shenzhen and Tianjin.

  The commission asked regions and companies to encourage desalinated water use forindustrial and domestic purposes.

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