
外语培训 2019-12-12 14:24www.facebook-novi.com外语学习



  自从托福改革之后,它就换了一个时髦的头衔-----新托福,我们托友们尊称它为IBT, 其中口语部分又是最让托友们头痛的环节,它就像梦魇一样纠缠着我们,但是经过一段针对性练习之后,你会发现it is just a small piece of cake! 然后你就可以很骄傲地对你的朋友们说,我和新托福口语分手了!你从此以后也不用再为它消得你憔悴了。今天我们通过我的一个客户的具体事例来重点分析一下Task5。



  Task5主要是关于Campus situation topic,属于summarizing a problem and solutions这类题型。Task5中通常会是一位教授和或者两个之间关于某个问题进行讨论,然后会提出两个解决方案,让你从中建议一个合理的方案并且说明理由。建议大家分为四个部分来陈述:首先交待问题,然后说明解决方案,接着表明你的choice,最后说明你的reason。顺着这个步骤走,在作一些针对练习,一定会把这个难题拿下的!



  Sample conversation

  Listen to a conversation between two students.

  W: Say, Lenny, do you know anyone who wants a cat?

  M: A cat? No, why?

  W: Well, this poor little cat showed up outside my apartment one day. He was hungry and cold, so I gave him some cheese, and now he’s still hanging around. My landlord found out and said I have to get rid of it because pets aren’t allowed.

  M: You shouldn’t be feeding it. If you stop giving it food, it will go away.

  W: I know, I know, but he’s so hungry. I like the cat, and I want him to have a good home. Actually, I’d like to keep him myself.

  M: Well, if that’s the case, then you’d better look for another apartment---one that allows pets.

  W: I hate to do that. My apartment is so close to campus.

  M: Why don’t you give the cat to your mother? She likes animals.

  W: My mother already has two cats, so I don’t know----

  M: Well, you’d better do something fast, or your landlord will throw you out.

  Describe the women’s problem and the suggestions the man makes about how to solve it. What do you think the women should do and why?

  Sample answer

  The woman gives food to a hungry cat near her apartment, but the cat can’t live there. The woman’s apartment is not allowed for any pets, so he has to do something with pets. The man suggests the woman to find another apartment which allows for pets. But the woman thinks her apartment is close to the campus. The man also suggests the woman to give cat to anyone else. The woman can’t find this people. I think the woman should give pet to anyone else, because it is good for cat.


  (1) 听了这段陈述之后,感觉很有条理,他是完全按照题目要求来回答,而且也很符合我们前面提到的分四个部分来陈述,更重要的是他在规定的时间内圆满地回答完毕!

  (2) 当然还有需要改进的地方,譬如,allow for pets的用法在这里并不合适,因为 to allow for 用作固定短语搭配使用时,它表示“考虑到,顾及”,和take something into consideration的意思是一样的。For example, to allow for the free movement, the elbow and knee areas of the spacesuits will also be altered.所以我的这位客户的相应的这两个句子可以表示为: The women’ landlord does not allow her to raise/ keep the cat. The man suggests that she should find another apartment which allows pets. 没有Suggest somebody to do something这个短语的用法, suggest something to somebody这是正确的。所以大家在平常的学习中一定要多多留意固定短语搭配的正确使用,这一点很重要。

  (3) People是复数名词,所以不能用this来修饰,可以改为:The woman can’t find such suitable person.

  (4)此外,大家还要注意人称的正确使用,文中“so he has to do something with pets”应该改为she。问题虽小但是也要引起托友们的关注。



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