国内英语新闻:China, Tajikistan agree to deepen ties for

外语培训 2019-06-18 16:16www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

DUSHANBE, June 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Tajik counterpart Emomali Rahmon held talks here Saturday, agreeing to further deepen the two countries' comprehensive strategic partnership for common development and prosperity.

The two presidents praised the China-Tajikistan ties and cooperation in various fields, and together outlined a new blueprint for developing bilateral relations.

They agreed to commit their countries to developing all-weather friendship, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Xi congratulated Tajikistan for successfully hosting the fifth summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), saying the consensus and results achieved at the event send positive messages and inject positive energy to the world.

He pledged continued support from China to Tajikistan, which holds CICA presidency now, to further lift the level of CICA cooperation.

China-Tajikistan relations have maintained sound development momentum since the two countries established diplomatic ties 27 years ago, Xi said, noting that they have become good neighbours, friends and partners and the bilateral relations are at their best in history.

China is glad to see a stable, developing and prosperous Tajikistan, and firmly supports the country in following a development path that suits its own national conditions, and backs its efforts in safeguarding national sovereignty and security, Xi said.

China is willing to strengthen the top-level design of bilateral relations with the Tajik side, enhance the level of cooperation in various fields, and jointly build the China-Tajikistan development community and security community, he said.

Xi urged the two sides to continue staunchly supporting each other on issues concerning their respective core interests. He said Tajikistan has always actively supported and participated in the joint construction of the Belt and Road, and the two countries' cooperation within this framework is fruitful.

He asked the two sides to further synergize the Belt and Road Initiative with Tajikistan's national development strategy, tap potentials and raise the quality of cooperation, and deepen their cooperation in connectivity, energy, agriculture and industry.

He pledged China's willingness to help Tajikistan upgrade agricultural modernization, actively participate in Tajikistan's construction of free economic zones, and have more exchanges in culture, education and tourism.

The two sides should deepen cooperation in combating the "three forces" of terrorism, separatism and extremism as well as transnational organized crimes, and on narcotics control and cyber security, to safeguard both countries' security and regional peace and stability.

Rahmon warmly welcomed Xi for visiting Tajikistan again, thanked China for its contribution to the success of the fifth CICA summit. He extended congratulations on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and wished China forever peace and stability.

Noting that the Tajik side regards deepening its comprehensive strategic partnership with China one of its diplomatic priorities, Rahmon thanked the Chinese side for its long-term support and assistance.

He expressed willingness to enhance bilateral cooperation in key projects in such fields as energy, petrochemicals, hydro power and infrastructure construction within the framework of the Belt and Road, so as to help Tajikistan realize its industrialization goals. He also called on the two sides to boost people-to-people exchanges in such areas as youth, education and culture.

Tajikistan is committed to working with China in combating the "three forces" of terrorism, separatism and extremism, and transnational crimes, strengthening law enforcement and security cooperation, and increasing coordination in multilateral affairs within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the CICA and other frameworks, according to Rahmon.

After their talks, the two heads of state attended a ceremony to unveil the construction models of the China-assisted parliament building and government office building. They were also briefed on the designing plan and cooperation details of the projects.

Xi and Rahmon signed a joint statement on further deepening China-Tajikistan comprehensive strategic partnership, and witnessed the exchange of multiple bilateral cooperation documents.

According to the joint statement, China and Tajikistan will continue to support each other on issues concerning their core interests, such as national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, and give priority to the development of bilateral ties in each side's foreign policies.

The two sides pledged in the statement to advance the in-depth alignment between the Belt and Road Initiative and Tajikistan's national development strategy for the period up to 2030 with a view to building a China-Tajikistan community of development.

The statement says that China and Tajikistan will boost security cooperation to build a China-Tajikistan community of security step by step.

The two sides also pledged to continue increasing cooperation in culture, education, science, health, sports and other areas as well as expanding exchanges between media, art troupes and youth organizations.

They will continue to strengthen mutual support and cooperation in the United Nations, the SCO, the CICA and other multilateral frameworks, and exchange views and coordinate stances in a timely way on major international and regional issues to jointly address global and regional challenges, according to the statement.

The two leaders also met the press together. Prior to their talks, Rahmon held a grand welcoming ceremony for Xi.

Xi arrived here Friday for the fifth CICA summit and a state visit to Tajikistan, which is the second leg of Xi's two-country Central Asia trip. He previously visited Kyrgyzstan for a state visit and the 19th SCO summit.

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