
外语培训 2019-06-06 15:32www.facebook-novi.com外语学习


(一)Fluency and Coherence

1.is willing to speak at length, though may lose coherence at times due to occasional repetition, self-correction and hesitation.

2.Uses a range of connectives and discourse markers but not always appropriately.

关于Fluency and Coherence也就是流利度和连贯性,流利度不是要讲得都没有停顿,而是要尽量多讲speak at length,并且要多讲些细节。要给一种你很想讲并且很能讲的感觉,哪怕有些错误。其次,要学会用连接词。

举个例子:how often do you go traveling?


Who-with my friends and family members

When-in summer holidays and winter holidays/ in holidays

Where-sometimes travel to foreign countries / sometimes in different cities in China

What-what do you often take when traveling?-cash/ clothes/ bank card...

Why-to relax/ release my pressure / to have a good rest ......


How often do you go traveling?

I usually go traveling once a year with my family members. We often go to a different place every summer to have a good rest. Also, we not only go there for relaxing ourselves but also go shopping there. Take Hongkong for example, Hongkong is really is the paradise for shopping, so we frequently go there for shopping.

(二)Lexical Resource

1.Has a wide enough vocabulary to discuss topics at length and making meaning clear in spite of inappropriacies

2.Generally paraphrases successfully

要考6分的话那么要有足够的词汇来描述相关的话题,所以平时的话要多积累一些词汇,特别是一些词组搭配。其次,很重要的一点是要学会paraphrase。举个例子,很多考生一篇文章里面可能用了很多次horror films,会给人一种感觉很词穷以及很局限的表达,这个时候可以多借助介词的使用,另外可以把horror films变成the films that scare people避免用词的单调性。在考试现场若是碰到一个想要表达却不会的词,可以用转述的形式表达出来,这样可以给你加分。也能让自己有话说。

(三)Grammatical range and accuracy

1.Uses a mix of simple and complex structures, but with limited flexibility

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