“Apples and oranges”不是“苹果和橘子”!真正的

外语培训 2019-05-30 19:21www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

我们都知道,水果不仅能促进人体消化,还能为人体成长提供丰富的营养。水果分为很多种类,在英文中,苹果是“Apple”,橘子是“Orange”,那么合在一起后的“Apples and Oranges”就是“苹果和橘子”吗?

其实不然,也绝非那么简单。就像之前讲过的“rain cats and dogs”一样,它的意思是“倾盆大雨”。今天,除了“Apples and Oranges”外,还会给大家分享另外一些和水果相关的地道。
Apples and Oranges

在老外眼中,apples and oranges是一个常用习语,根据其英英释义to compare things that are very different,表示“风马牛不相及的事物;天差地别的事物”,它在美式中十分常见。

You can't compare your job as a doctor to mine as a musician—that's comparing apples and oranges!
Rotten / Bad apple

从字面上来看,“rotten/bad apple”是“烂/坏苹果”的意思。其实不然,根据其英英释义someone who does bad things and influences other people so that they do bad things too,可以得出它是“害群之马”的意思。


All of the students are well behaved apart from one bad apple who likes to stir up trouble in the class.

To go bananas

关于“香蕉”,要给大家介绍的第一个短语是“to go bananas”,可千万别把它成“去你的香蕉”吧!根据其英英释义to become extremely angry or excited,该短语意为“发疯、发狂;情绪失控”,很有趣!


He'll go bananas when you tell him the news.
Top bananas

说到bananas,“top bananas”这个短语也很有趣。根据其英英释义the most powerful or important person in a group or organization,可得知该短语是“最有权势的人、最重要的人;主要人物”的意思。


He'll always be remembered as one of the top bananas in the world of comedy.

The cherry on the cake

第一眼看去,“the cherry on the cake”的确是“蛋糕上的樱桃”,没错。不过,它还有一个大家所不为熟知的意思。根据其英英释义the final thing that makes something perfect,可以看出它还有“精华部分;画龙点睛、好上加好的部分”的意思,十分形象!


The festival was amazing, but the beautiful weather was the cherry on the cake.

Sour grapes

讲到“sour grapes”,不得不感叹“酸”这个字也可以与时俱进,既可以用来形容味道,也可以形容对他人的羡慕嫉妒。那么,“sour grapes”到底是不是“酸葡萄”的意思呢?其实,它出自伊索寓言,指的是“吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸”,是一句地道。

His snide remarks about the winners are nothing but sour grapes.

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