“汉语盘点2018”揭晓 “奋”当选年度国内字

外语培训 2019-05-30 19:21www.facebook-novi.com外语学习


 "Striving" and "the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up" have been respectively chosen as the Chinese Character and Word of the Year 2018 in China.

The survey also chose "exit" and "trade friction" as the International Chinese Character and Word of the Year respectively for 2018.

年度国内字 Chinese Character of the Year

奋 striving

“奋”是振奋人心(inspiring),是奋发图强(striving to be strong),是奋勇拼搏(pressing ahead),也是奋不顾身(courageous and daring)。在波澜壮阔的新时代画卷中,奋斗本身就是一种幸福。

年度国内词 Chinese Word of the Year

改革开放四十年 the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up

 今年迎来“改革开放四十年”。从开启新时期到跨入新世纪,从站上新起点到进入新时代,我国在各方面取得了伟大成就。改革开放只有进行时,没有完成时(reform and opening-up is an ongoing process and we will never stop),我们应不忘初心,牢记使命,将改革开放进行到底。

年度国际字 International Chinese Character of the Year

退 exit/quit

 2018年,“退”字诀横扫三大洲。美国退出伊朗核协议(the Iran nuclear deal)、联合国人权理事会(the United Nations Human Rights Council);英国脱欧协议(Brexit deal)草案出炉。各国“退群”目的不同,但都是国家利益使然。

年度国际词 International Chinese Word of the Year

贸易摩擦 trade friction

 美国对中国商品加征关税,引发“贸易摩擦”。经济全球化是大势所趋,和平与发展是民心所向(Economic globalization is the trend of the times, and peace and development represent the shared aspiration of all peoples)。对中美两国来说,合作是唯一正确的选择,共赢才能通向更好的未来(only a win-win approach will lead to a better future)。



2017年度国内词:初心(original aspiration)


2017年度国际词:人类命运共同体(a community with a shared future for mankind)



2016年度国内词:小目标(small goal)


2016年度国际词:一带一路(the Belt and Road)


2015年度国内字:廉(clean governance)

2015年度国内词:互联网+(internet plus)




宪法修正案 the amendment to the Constitution

命运共同体 a community with a shared future

进博会 China International Import Expo

贸易摩擦 trade friction

锦鲤 koi fish

板门店宣言 the Panmunjom Declaration

立德树人 foster character and civic virtue

“一箭双星” twin satellites carried by one rocket

幸福都是奋斗出来的 happiness is achieved through hard work

改革开放四十周年 the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up

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