
外语培训 2019-05-30 19:17www.facebook-novi.com外语学习


·Listen to something you enjoy


Probably the greatest advantage about using the Internet to improve your listening skills is that you can choose what you would like to listen to and how many and times you would like to listen to it. By listening to something you enjoy, you are also likely to know a lot more of the vocabulary required!


·Listen for Keywords


Use keywords (noun=principal words) or keyphrases to help you understand the general ideas. If you understand "New York", "business trip", "last year" you can assume (verb=to take for granted, suppose) that the person is speaking about a business trip to New York last year. This may seem obvious to you, but remember that understanding the main idea will help you to understand the detail as the person continues to speak.

关键词或者关键的词组能够帮助理解文章大意。举个例子来说,如果你听到New York,business trip,last year这样的词,你可以假设说话人要表达的是“去年到纽约的出差旅行”。这个方法对你来说很容易,但是要记住:理解文章大意会帮助你理解接下来将要提到的一些细节。

·Listen for Context


Let's imagine that your English speaking friend says "...I bought this great tuner at JR's. It was really cheap and now I can finally listen to National Public Radio broadcasts." You don't understand what a tuner is. If you focus on the word tuneryou might become frustrated. However, if you think in context (noun=the situation explained during the conversation) you probably will understand. For example; bought is the past of buy, listen is no problem and radio is obvious. Now you understand: He bought something - the tuner- to listen to the radio. A tuner must be a kind of radio! This is a simple example but it demonstrates what you need to focus on: Not the word that you don't understand, but the words you do understand.

假设你的一个朋友说:"...I bought this great tunerat JR's. It was really cheap and now I can finally listen to National Public Radio broadcasts."你可能会困惑什么是turner。如果你把精力集中在思考这个词上,你就会觉得很失败。如果你考虑上下文,你也许就会想到,这个tuner可能是一种收音机。

这是一个很简单的例子。但它说明了很重要的一点: 集中你的精力在你听懂的词上,而不是为某个听不懂的词困惑浪费时间。

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