Million dollar baby《百万美元宝贝》精讲之三

外语培训 2019-05-30 19:17www.facebook-novi.com外语学习



Frankie Dunn: Yeah, I know, Hogan. Your guy's the champ, so we don't split fifties. But if I don't see 40%... Look, you call me back when it's 60-40, or don't call me back at all. Hey, Willie.

Willie: Hey, Frankie.

Frankie Dunn: Is something wrong?

Willie: I’m sorry to come by your house like this. I-I know you don't like people dropping in.

Frankie Dunn: Oh, you're not people, Willie. You're welcome anytime. Come on in.

Willie: I want to thank you for getting Gracie's car back.

Frankie Dunn: Oh, well, you don't have to thank me. Paying an extra thousand dollars for your own car ain't exactly a favor.

Willie: Gracie broke out and cried when she saw it.

Frankie Dunn: Really?

Willie: I also needed to talk with you about business.

Frankie Dunn: Oh, well, I just got off the phone with Hogan. We're all set for September. Everything but the split.

Willie: I gotta leave you, Frankie.

Frankie Dunn: What? Willie, the... the title is just two fights away.

Willie: It ain't that. It’s... it’s like you said, I got one shot. If I win, I gotta make as much as I can while I can. I need somebody in the action, who can make things happen. And I gotta make the change before the fight. Only way this guy say he'd take me is if he took me to the title.

Frankie Dunn: So, I get you to the title fight, and this guy takes you there?

Willie: Only way he'd do it. I’m sorry, Frankie. I know how long you've been waiting on a title. I wish it could've been with me.

Frankie Dunn: Mickey Mack's a businessman. He can't teach you nothing.

Willie: You already taught me everything I need to know.

Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris (Voice-over): There's some things people just don't want to hear.


1. Split

这里的意思是“分享,分成”的,要说“几几分成”我们可以参考电影中的说法:We don't split fifties. 我们不是五五分成。We split 60-40. 我们六四分成。这里的小短线读作to。

2. Come by

这个come by 和下文的drop in 都是“顺便来访”的意思,例如:

Please come by whenever you're in the neighborhood. 什么时候到这一带来就来我家串门吧。

We frequently drop by the neighbors' house for a cup of coffee. 我们时常去邻居家串门,喝杯咖啡。

Do drop in (on me) if you happen to be passing! 要是你碰巧经过这里别忘了来我家!

3. You’re not people

如果你想表示“你不是别人”就可以用到这句话了。Willie知道Frankie 不喜欢别人深夜打扰,而Frankie 则说“You’re not people. 你不是别人”。可见Frankie对Willie 倾注的心血和感情。

4. Break out

这里的 break out 指情感上的“爆发”,例如:He broke out and wept. 他不禁失声痛哭。

5. Get off the phone

“挂掉”电话就用get off,例如:Wanna to find a perfect excuse to get off the phone?

6. Wait on

意思还是“等待”,通常指“等待某件事”,例如:We're waiting on their decision to close the school. 我们在等他们关闭学校的决定。

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