抓住职场机会 简历大有讲究

外语培训 2019-05-30 19:06www.facebook-novi.com外语学习

You spend hours writing it up in the hope will get you a job.

But now it turns out that employers get totally the wrong idea about what you are like from your CV.

A has found that recruiters make flawed judgements about a candidate's personality based on what they read in their application.

On five key personality areas, HR staff draw the wrong conclusions with a huge potential impact on your chances of getting an interview.

The researchers asked 122 recruiters to evaluate CVs from 37 students; in each case they were asked to look at 77 aspects of the document covering what psychologists called the 'big five' personality traits.

These were openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

At the same time the students completed quizzes to see what their 'real' personalities were like to act as a control.

The findings showed that the recruiters were bad judges of character.

In particular they tended to rate people higher than they were really in extroversion - a quality which meant they were more likely to be hired - and lower in conscientiousness than the reality.

Applicants with an attractive resume with double spacing were thought of more highly than those who used single spacing.

And those who said they did more volunteering were found to be being better organised than those who didn't.

Lead author Gary Burns of Wright State University in the US said that job candidates should also avoid the temptation to make their CV stand out by using 'unusual fonts or formats'.
美国莱特州立大学第一作者Gary Burns说,应聘者也应该避免通过使用‘不寻常的字体和格式来让自己的简历鹤立鸡群’。

Another no-no was writing a personal statement on your CV, he added.

However writing a good CV completely pointless as another last year found that writing a good covering letter is far more effective than having a polished resume.

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