
奇闻趣事 2023-06-14 11:57www.facebook-novi.com奇闻趣事
        近日,Google香港邀请谢霆锋出席“Talks at Google”分享会,这让他成为首位在“Talks at Google”演讲的香港艺人。众所周知,谢霆锋集演员、歌手、企业家、厨师多重身份于一身,他在演讲中分享了自己丰富多彩的人生经历和一路走来的心得体会。谢霆锋此次在“Talks at Google”分享会上的演讲更是在各Google办公室,包括台北、北京、上海、新加坡等地同步直播。在将近一个小时的演讲上,谢霆锋全程脱稿,演讲流利且十分富有魅力和感染力。谢霆锋在这次的演讲全程,包括观众问答环节,可以说是侃侃而谈,就诸多问题给出了自己独到的见解。观点鲜明,条理清晰,普特君这就带大家来梳理下演讲的要点。
I've been trying to pick up on more Japanese, so lately I've made 'Google Translate' my best friend.
But I must say sometimes the translations are still a bit funky. But 80% of the time, it does the job very well. So thank you for, you know, whoever out there that is making my life a lot easier.
But maybe today we can touch on some other key words where we cannot fully understand through the Internet, maybe key words like 'creativity'.
I think creativity for me is the biggest thing, either it be through my music, or my food shows, or movies, or my business. Because I think, without creativity, we cannot really ensure our place in the market. And eventually, you will be left behind in the world.
Creativity comes in many different forms and styles, I guess. It doesn't have to be through movies, or that kind of artistry. It could be through tennis. It could be through agriculture, architecture, wood working, lecturing, whatever it may be.
So a lot of people would say, you know, (yeah) I'm not the creative type. No, we all are. We just have to find that one edge. We have to find, you know, how we can synergize and capitalize on that on our own strengths. If we are not creative enough, we tend to what we call 'we would ride on other people's ideas.
Another word I would say is, a key word for me is 'experience', especially well, the experience in terms of the verb experience, not the noun experience.
But I would say that it is very important to get out there to the world and really experience it because I think the phone still only brings you halfway and you must walk the other half.
Sharing comes in different forms also. Let me tell you. I was in really, really bad terms with my parents for the longest time. And cooking gives me a medium to know how to talk to my parents. What really matters is how you find your way to share.
And I think keep doing what you're doing. But if you can think of the third party,then I think that the whole picture is much bigger.
I wasn't looking for a transition, really. I thought I could do everything together, right? I'm still doing music. I'm still doing films. I think what I'm doing with food, with movies and also music and the business together. I think, as a whole, it has perfect synergy. That's how I do things.
That's one thing I learned in the kicten. It is time management. And when you do one of my Michelin galas, when you're serving for 700, they still have to be hot and you got eight minutes of serving time for 700 fine dinning. It is very hard. But then you learn, you know, gradually and eventually you learn how to time or pace yourselves and then your organization.
But I guess when there is a will there is a way. I don't know your time schedules, but you figure that out for yourself. But there are these little gaps in life where you can just squeeze in a bit more here and there, knowledge. And then eventually that adds up. That adds up.
And when I start something, I don't like to stop until I actually get somewhere. That's just a personality.
I didn't really plan this. I think I'm just going with the flow, really. But I think, at different times with different inspirations , sometimes I feel that there are different advantages for different fields.
So I think now I have the time to kind of 'do more music'. I don't know if I'm working on a full album. But yeah, I'm actually working on a concert.
Preparation for a performance is given. You know how I got totally bashed when I started hammering onto the button at first in the first two episodes, because there are actually these two new perks. They changed the way the game played this year. But strategically, I think I've done something new in the show.
We've just gotten into the habit of learning a lot. Even like my kids, they're always on YouTube. I think the tech nowadays, it has really enhanced the speed of our learning curve. We are picking up the goods and bads through the Internet.
I think you just have to find yourself to, find ways to prove yourself. I have done many crazy stuff just to prove myself. But sometimes that's the extent you would have to do.
When people also thought that I, because I'm the son of two celebrities though, maybe I don't take my jobs seriously. And that's, that's why I've been putting myself through all this hardship and this pain and buildings after buildings.
For people who doesn't know, the first four years of my career was 99% booing. I would not get any applause anywhere.The minute I stepped on stage it was all boos and foul language and profanities. And it was really really tough four years. When there is that need, you just have to find your way to excel. Maybe there are some crazy things that we've got to do.
I never doubted myself in terms of music. I never doubted myself in terms of all the hard work I was putting in. I think I'm a logical person. And I think anybody can accomplish anything if you work hard enough. Really, I don't think there was a time where I think I could have given up. I'm the person that does not give up.
Key words would be creativity. Key words would be tenacity. Key words would be synergy, actually. Resourcefulness. But different key words come at different times, really.
And to me, if I was to be greedy, I would say every word is a key word.

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