
美国留学 2019-04-11 20:43www.facebook-novi.com美国留学申请




  The weather. The British weather is, atfirst glance, dreadful, ghastly, horrendous, outrageous, horrible, shocking,woeful, rotten, bad. But because of its endless variety and change ability wE’veended up with amazingly expressive language with which to describe it.

  Our language, because of the weather, hasblossomed into the most incredible mother tongue the world has ever known (seeNo 3, above).Our language is the best by a mile.



  Sporting tradition. It’s not the winning,it’s the taking part that counts, they say.

  But when we don’t qualify for the World Cupor get past the heats at our own Olympics (the Commonwealth Games, to which theAmericans, Russians and Chinese are not invited, mainly to increase our chanceof winning medals), how arewe supposed to take part?

  Well, we already did, by inventing thegames and sports. Although we’re not there, we’re there. It’s ourball/mallet/net/javelin/track/field they‘re all playing with/on/at.

  Therefore, we win. Each and every one of thosemedals belongs to us.


  英国人根据在1829年Rainhill Trial内燃机车大赛获胜者“火箭”的原型发明了火车。当时,“火箭”号非常缓慢地驶向利物浦,这很公平。



  Trains. The British invented the train, inthe form of the Rocket, which won the Rainhill Trials in 1829 by travellingtowards Liverpool very slowly, which seems fair enough.

  It was late, dirty, crowded, smelly,uncomfortable—and so the railway was born.

  Since then, trains have sprung up all overthe world and each and every one of them is British at heart. You can’t arguewith that, can you?





  The Royal Family. People come from allover the world to see the Royal Family, or at least the people who guard themat Buckingham Palace.

  If it wasn’t for the Royals we wouldn’thave any sense of place (ie, beneath them). And, thanks to that, we’re allhappy, because people really need to know where they are in life.

  And being Royal can’ be that good. They’refollowed everywhere by the press, bodyguards and nutters。

  So, for the service of making us know ourplace, they make many at sacrifices, such as living in isolated palacesrather than among their peopl.



  So there we have it, eight good and sound reasons why Britain is and has always been top dog。

  Take these with you to your workplace, the dinner table or even—if you must—the pub. You’ll find your life endlesslyenriched and there won‘tbe an argument you won’t win。

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