
美国移民 2020-05-30 10:07www.facebook-novi.com去美国移民条件


  专业项目排名SMBG 2012 Rankings:

  Best Masters, Specialised Masters, MBA and Specialised Training

  1st place for Specialized Master in Retailing Management (RMS)

  1st place for Business Development and Customer Grand Accounts (RMS)

  3rd place for Specialised Master in Market Research and Marketing Management (RBS)

  6th place for Management for International Business Development (RBS)

  6th place for the International MBA (RMS)

  7th place for Master of Science in Global Management

  留学湖南出国留学-A股上市留学机构,连续8年常青藤大满贯获得者,公司与美国、加拿大、英国、澳洲、新西兰、爱尔兰、瑞士、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国等30多个国家的800多家教育机构签约建立合作关系,协议覆盖了3000多所海外大中小学。出国留学 "10"人留学世界名校,至少"8"人选择留学湖南出国留学;留学湖南出国留学名校录取数业内领先!留学湖南出国留学,教育部认证的权威留学机构,专注互联网留学9年。

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