
美国签证 2019-04-18 10:39www.facebook-novi.com美国签证预约


  例如:申请者不是一个真正的学生;或者申请者的英语能力达不到规定的水平如果申请Tier 4签证的学生被要求参加面试,却无故缺席,没有作出合理解释,则其将被拒签。如果申请在面试后被拒签,那么申请者可以申请重审该。申请者可在拒签通知日期起的28天内提交重审申请。申请必须用书面形式,并且列明申请者认为自己满足签证要求的全部详细理由,以及为什么要给申请者签发签证的理由。


  了解如何申请计点积分制Tier 4学生签证的基本信息,如果你首先做好了全面的研究的话,签证面试是很容易的。没有什么好担心的。签证面试就像一个简短的询问。 如果对申请者的学生身份有任何怀疑,签证官员都会拒绝其申请。 签证面试要记住的7点














  面试问题:Why did you choose The University of Sheffield? 为什么选择谢菲尔德大学?


  面试问题:Why did you choose your course?为什么选择这个课程?


  面试问题:How do your studies fit into your career plans? 你为什么觉得对你的以后职业发展有帮助?

  回答准备:学历提高,看看课程是否能毕业后获得什么专业证书的认证比如注册会计师,能力提升,开阔眼界。Think about what your plans are after you graduate - how will the knowledge and skills you gain from your course at Sheffield University help you with the type of work you hope to do. Does your course lead to any professional exemptions or qualifications for example ACCA and are these recognised in your country? Do you know what others graduating from the course you will be following went on to do eg the types of roles and organiions they work for? If the course you plan to study is at a similar academic level to previous studies, how does it represent prossion and does it have a vocational focus? If this is the case, be prepared to explain this.

  面试问题:If the costs of pursuing your course of study are higher in the UK than in your home country, why have you decided to incur the extra costs involved with studying in the UK? 为什么选择到英国留学,费用会高出很多如果在中国学习的话?

  回答准备:英国的学历对以后的帮助,家里也会为你自豪,所以如果是家里资助你可以直接回答。Think about the advantages that a degree from the UK might give you and why you and/or your family are prepared to make this investment. Have you made a realistic assessment of all the costs involved and how you plan to pay for them. These costs include the course fees and living costs, including accommodation.

  面试问题:You have previously studied in the UK - why have you chosen to return? 以前在英国留过学?如果是,现在为什么又去了?

  回答准备:现在留学是基于以前的学习的深造,是对自己的提升。Think about how the new course relates to previous studies and how it might build on your previous learning. You can also talk about the benefits of your previous course.

  面试问题:You have had a long break in your studies, why are you returning to study now? 你毕业很多年了,工作过了,为什么现在又考虑学习了?

  回答准备:现在再去学习是基于以前的学习背景和工作经验,对以后长远的职业规划的一种方式。Think about how you explain your decision in the context of your long-term career plans.

  面试问题:Do you plan to work in the UK? 你打算在英国打工吗?

  回答准备:英国法律规定是可以每周工作20小时,但切忌,打工是为了解社会,不是靠打工赚取生活和学费。You cannot rely on funds from working to pay your course fees and living costs so you need to be aware of this. The main purpose for being in the UK is your studies, so if you do hope to work, think about how this would enhance your academic studies. You also need to demonstrate an understanding of the hours you are allowed to work and typical rates of pay.

  面试问题:How will you fund your studies? (you should not be asked this unless you are called back for a second interview)  你的留学费用哪里来的?(该问题可能在被要求第二次面试才问)

  回答准备:这个问题是想了解你的留学的费用是真实的,并可以获得签证后用于支付你的学费,这常常在签证官对你的资金证明有怀疑的时候。所以请参考CAS信息中的学费和生活费要求进行解释,并说明家里是完全支持的,或你已经支付了部分学费和住宿费如果有的话,这将大大帮助你提高申请的可信度。 The purpose of this question is to check that your funds are genuinely available to you for your studies. As part of your application you will have submitted proof of your finances - ensure that you are very clear about the source and availability of these funds, also how you plan to pay for subsequent years fees if your course is more than a year in duration. If you have official financial sponsorship make sure you are aware of the amounts and exactly what is covered. If you have a loan, how will you afford to pay this back? How much will your accommodation cost and are you clear about the cost of living in the UK?


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