
美国留学 2022-10-13 16:53www.facebook-novi.com美国留学申请
  一、Playing or Listening to Music 享受音乐
  If Facebook "likes" are any indication, Americans love music. Of the top 30 most "liked" things, 11 are recording artists, and "music" itself has over
  32 million fans (as of the time of publication).
  二、Social Networking 网络社交
  "Social networks and blogs reach nearly 80 percent of active U.S. Internet users and represent the majority of Americans' time online," the Nielsen
  Social Media Report says. Where does America spend its time online? In May 2011, Americans spent 53 billion minutes on Facebook, making it the most
  popular U.S. website.
  三、Computer Games 打电玩
  "Currently there are more than half a billion people worldwide playing online games at least an hour a day -- and 183 million in the US alone," writes
  Jane McGonigal, author of "Reality is Broken. "The average young person racks up 10,000 hours of gaming by the age of 21. That's almost exactly as much
  time as they spend in a classroom during all of middle school and high school if they have perfect attendance. Most astonishingly, 5 million gamers in
  the U.S. are spending more than 40 hours a week playing games -- the same as a full-time job!"
  《打破现状》一书的作者Jane McGonigal在书中这样写到:“目前全球每天有超过5亿的人平均每天至少玩网游一小时,仅在美国这一数字就已达到了1.83亿人。21岁以下的青年人每天消耗在游戏上的时间累积起来竟有1万小时,这一时间几乎相当于全勤参加初、高中所有课程的时间总和。更令人震惊的是,在美国,有500万的铁杆游戏迷每周玩游戏的时间总计超过40小时,而这一时间也几乎等同于干一份全职工作付出的时间。
  四、Reading 阅读
  Leisurely reading varied drastically by age group. "Individuals age 75 and over averaged 1.1 hours of reading per weekend day," the ATUS says.
  "Conversely, individuals ages 15 to 19 read for an average of 6 minutes per weekend day."
  五、Sports and Exercise 做运动
  Men are 6 percent more likely to exercise or play sports than are their "better halves." According to the National Sporting Goods Association, the
  activities that both sexes engaged in the most in 2010 were "exercise walking," exercising with equipment, swimming, bike riding and bowling.
  六、Watching TV 看电视
  Americans spend half their leisure time in front of the television, making it the most popular 21st-century "hobby." According to a report by The
  Nielsen Co., 56.4 percent of that time in front of the TV is spent watching reality TV, while only 20 percent is spent watching sports.
  七、Sports and Exercise 做运动
  Men are 6 percent more likely to exercise or play sports than are their "better halves." According to the National Sporting Goods Association, the
  activities that both sexes engaged in the most in 2010 were "exercise walking," exercising with equipment, swimming, bike riding and bowling.
  八、Traveling 旅游
  In 2010, Americans took 1.5 billion leisure trips. According to the U.S. Travel Association, the most popular reasons for taking leisure trips are
  seeing friends and family, shopping, sightseeing and going to the beach.
  九、Going to the Movies 看电影
  Three out of every four Americans go to the movies at least once a year. According to the Motion Picture Association of America, "movie theaters in
  U.S./Canada continue to draw more people than all theme parks and major U.S. sports combined."
  十、Shopping 购物
  Even though the recession hit retailers pretty hard, the apparel industry is making a valiant comeback -- especially through online shopping. In 2010,
  Americans spent $186 billion in online transactions.

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