
美国留学 2019-04-11 20:43www.facebook-novi.com美国留学申请


  Britain,as any sensible person knows, is the atest country in the world. Truth betold, I shouldn’t have to explain why, but needs must. Summing it up isn’thard, though of course we British are characteristically modest about our manygreat and extraordinary achievements and qualities, even if one or two of thesemight not be obvious at first.

  1. 炸鱼加土豆条




  Fish and chips. The British have a proudtradition of monarchy and navy. What nations eat tells you everything you needto know about them.

  Italians eat pizza and what does thatsuggest, relying on take away food for sustenance?

  The point is we live on an island and,because of our strong driving force of Common Sense, we have made the most ofit by eating fish and chips.

  We’re making the most of our island: thefish from the sea, the chips from the land. World beaters!




  Stonehenge. The mighty solemn stones standon Salisbury Plain (though actually when you get there they’re not as big asyou’d like them to be),anancient reminder of our noble ancestors and their ancient culture, about whichwe know nothing whatsoever. But what we do know is this: they didn’t build itwearing hard hats. In other words, one of our greatest achievements was, um,achieved without the intervention of Health and Safety. In other words, one ofour greatest achievements was, um, achieved without the intervention of Healthand Safety.

  Because Bronze Age British man was manythings, but he wasn’t some soft-handed twerp hoping to bang his head and claimthe compenion。



  The English language. English is thenatural language of the human being。

  That’s why, when you go abroad, if you shout at people loud enough inEnglish their brains will reverberate to their original frequency and they’ll understand you。


  毫无疑问我们的幽默感天下。我们的笑话最好笑,而且没有人像我们这样常拿自己开涮(我怎么没见到人像我们这样拿自己开玩笑的呢,谁见过?) 哪怕英国的现状没啥可开心的。

  The British sense of humour. We have thegreatest sense of humour in the world, without a doubt.

  Our jokes are the funniest and, unlikeeveryone else, we can laugh about ourselves (why don’t the Germans findthemselves funny the way we do? Search me), even though there’s nothing funnywhatsoever about the current state of the country.

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