
美国留学 2019-04-11 19:50www.facebook-novi.com美国留学申请


  帝国理工学院是伦敦大学的独立学院,位于伦敦西部,主校区位于Kensington,另一个校区在Berkshire的Ascot。学校在学术和财政上均享在一定的自主权,以工程、医科专业而著名。帝国理工学院不仅在欧洲,在全世界也一直是声名远扬的。帝国理工学院Imperial College London是罗素大学集团成员之一,与、剑桥大 学、、并成为“G5”。“G5”精英大学,代表着大学的最高学术水平。

 Overseas students—Postgraduate taught courses

MSc Actuarial Finance


MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering


MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering with Biotechnology


MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering with Process Systems Engineering


MSc Advanced Chemical Engineering with Structured Products Engineering


MSc Advanced Computing


MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering


MSc Analogue Electronics


MRes Bioimaging Sciences


MRes Biomedical Physical Chemistry


MSc Cardiology


Department of Civil Engineering—all MSc courses


MSc Computing Science


MSc Computing for Industry


MSc Communications and Signal Processing


MSc Control Systems


MSc Environmental Technology


MRes Experimental Neuroscience


MSc Finance


MA Industrial Design Engineering


MRes Integrative Neuroscience


MSc International Health Management


MBA (Full-Time)


MBA (Executive)


MBA (Residential)


MSc Management


MSc Mathematics and Finance


MSc Metals and Energy Finance


MRes Molecular and Cellular Basis of Infection


MRes Nanomaterials


CAS Perioperative Specialist Practitioner


MSc Petroleum Engineering


MSc Petroleum Geoscience


MSc Petroleum Production Management


MSc Petroleum Reservoir Geophysics


MRes Protein and Membrane Chemical Biology


MSc Respiratory Medicine


MSc Risk Management


All other MSc and diploma courses in Medicine


Mathematics; Centre for History of Science Technology and Medicine; Humanities; and non-laboratory based courses in life sciences


All other courses


  Overseas students—Postgraduate research

Petroleum Engineering/Geoscience


Department of Chemistry


Clinical Medicine


Mathematics; Centre for History of Science Technology and Medicine; and Humanities


All other postgraduate research



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